I'm 29 I go to the gym and am pretty active and I got tennis Elbow this summer. Started around June and I waited until last month to go to the doctor. I couldn't figure out how I got a repetitive stress injury when I hardly repeat anything.
Anyway he gave me some anti-flammitory pills, I took them for 2 weeks before I read more about the drug and the side effects. I knew the doctor would through some drug at me so I would leave him alone. I've stopped the gym to allow my elbow some time to heal. I have wood to cut not to mention 2 dogs and 3 horses to take care of I can't afford to sit on the couch and wait for it to get better.
I've been try to make an effort to stop when it hurts or feels awkward, trying using the other hand, use an open face grip when ever possible when grabbing something. So far the pain has gone down but it's still there.
I also got a strap for my elbow, it helps but drives me nuts when I wear it.
Just a side note about some of the side effects of anit-inflammitories. From what I've read in alot of RSI when the joints get "inflamed" it's to protect your joints, tissues, ligaments and help the healing process. When you take the anit-inflammintory your getting rid of that helpful "swelling" which is protecting everything, so even though you don't feel any pain there's still damage and not having that protection in there you just end up making things alot worse. My doctor gave a prescription of 60 pills with 3 refills.
Good luck.