The way to make money a it is to charge well for the manhours and to increase the sale by tending other material on the property. Include the bushes, the smaller trees....
So many people are fixed on the per hour estimate and loose sight on making it for the day.
You need a target for the minimal amount you need for the day and if you are on the property for .5-.66 mandays, that is what you need to charge as a minimum. Try to get added proffit, but add as much value to the prospective customer as you can.
If it is in an area where you do a lot of work and can dig up a small job to fill the rest of the cost for the day, so be it, but otherwise you need to meet, or excseed, your budget every day of the week.
"Well Mrs. Smith, I need $XXX to be able to do the job, so I will add in the big Phitzer and the crabs...."