There's actually a good story about that photo.
Instructor asks the group of twenty or so, who wants to go first in the aerial rescue?
So I raise my hand, throw my line into the tree, work my way up above the dummy's TIP, come down to the dummy, talk the required speel, get the dummy off its line and rigged onto mine in the proper position, then worked my way carefully to the ground.
But the instructor pulls me aside and whispers he's going to fail me, simply because he's worried the whole group would try to emulate what I'd done, that they were too green to accomplish the feat in the time allotted in the course. But not to worry cuz I'd get a second go at it once the group was finished.
Then he tells the whole group that I'd failed, that he didn't want any of them to take the dummy off its line.
Well I knew damn well that it was highly probable that an aerial rescue victim might have damaged their line in an accident, and that particular instructor was full of crap.
Nevertheless, when the group was finally finished, I pulled that instructor aside and gave him an earful of what I thought of his expedient BS.
Then I repeated the aerial rescue, absolutely furious to the point that I simply hauled ass up to the dummy's TIP, put my lanyard around the dummy's bodyline, came down that line hand over hand landing in the dummy's lap while slipping my lanyard over its head and around its back, gave the required speel, then burned down to the ground manipulating the dummy's monkey fist when the picture above was taken.
I set the record for quickest aerial rescue in WO Hart Park that day, but it was a BS rescue IMO.
That fat tub of lard instructor couldn't have rescued anybody from a tree even if his own life depended on it.