"My unwillingness to top, do severe crown reductions(more than 25%)and just suck $ out of clients pruning trees that should come down has cost me my job. I've delt with this problem a couple of times, with all types of companies in N V.A. Anyone else have the same problem?"
Might be time to rein in the judgments, and check the attitude. :angel:
I often do reductions >25%, and keep trees alive that many think should be removed. It's all up to the owner, and the way the options are presented. Remember most of all that standards are guidelines--read ALL of ANSI and the BMP's, and you will see more "should"s than "shall"s.
Trees vary, so you have to apply the standards with some flexibility, and don't be in such a rush to condemn the decisions of others. You don't know it all; no one does. It does not sound like you have the experience for self-employment. Ask for your job back--tell your boss that you'll stop being a hardhead.