As I satated previously climb020, BRING IT!!
Climb020 said:
Arbor you must be completely stupid or something. Stop reading tooooooo much into things. Dangerous and hazards trees should be cut down if they pose a high potential for damage to people as well as property. That is unless they are historic trees that have a good reason to be preserved. And usually these trees are out in the open or in a secluded area where they don't pose a high risk if the do fail. Seriously do you tell your customers that they don't have to worry that much about the 90% hollow tree right next to there house. That you can milk it along while sucking money out of them.
Yes there is always a risk. That is why the industry is always changing to make the work place a safer place to be.
Preservation is one thing and tree hugger is another. I am a tree preservationist but will very easily cut down a tree. But I do want to see a replacement or two to be planted in it's place. Seeeee cut down tree and then plant a new tree. Wow look at that we will still breath.
The day a sting ray falls out of the sky and kills people or crushes houses they should be alll killled. Get a grip.
Leave stumps alone. So what he complained who the hell wants to go work on there day off. Look at some of the topics here. Many are grievences or complants from many tree guys/ gals all over trying to be comforted by other tree guys that they are not alone.
So climb020, you've been in one climbing comp and your profile name extols the virtues of a chainsaw therefore now you are completely justified, qualified and experienced enough to be shutting down anyone whom challenges your point of view and you have now taken it upon yourself to personally attack me on behalf of someone who posted in response to me i.e. nothing to do with you...Stick to your own rant mate, seriously if you jump off your own rant and onto someone else’s after making a personal attack it comes across very "Bushian" or as if you have nothing really to rant about...
If you were able to comprehend all or most of my posts on this thread and others you will notice I have come from logging and tree lopping, so, what this means is, I know and understand where you and most of the men and women from this site are coming from i.e. we can and do relate (as long as we keep it civil, this lack of civility I do not relate to and never will) you will also notice that I inform my clients that their trees don’t need any work and instruct them to allow the tree to decline naturally BUT to include an exclusion zone or some minor props whilst planting a tree within the area of the aged tree so as it can be replaced, get it climb020 are ya still with me, is this ringing any bells of stuff you've read of mine previously???
If you have read and understood climb020 you charming man, what you will appreciate is that many other Arborists and tree loppers have come in before me on potential jobs and convinced the client through varying forms and levels of fear to have work done on the tree or to have the tree removed yet I walk away having charged NOTHING climb020 and the client is well educated and informed and has the options to do either without pressure or fear but through education...
I removed a rather large Tallow-wood over a two day period these last few days and spent a day with Ekka removing a big stump (which could have been maintained as a habitat stump or a beautiful monument to tree lopping and stupidity) and some Palm trees…Not one tree did I save or even offer to remediate, WHY, because of the nature of the main tree in question and its proximity to houses and buildings, the tree was peppered with frass yet when cutting it up on the ground I found no evidence of anything more than superficial external bark boring activity which was a shame, however these trees are renowned for having poor unions and very heavy over extended branches that fall without any warning or notice and some of the limbs in this tree had delamination tears/sheer within their structure so were destined to fail soon...
climb020, in the decades I have been caring for, lopping, removing and logging trees I HAVE had clients spend many thousands of dollars maintaining single trees, the most I have had a client spend was $3500 (A report and 3 experienced climbing Arborists in the tree for three days and a ground crew and clean up) on a Cupressus macrocarpa and another client spend the same amount on a Pinus canariensis…The only reason the clients had done this is because they wanted to save the trees because of the huge significance of the trees…
The Cupressus was next to the house and possibly 800 – 100 years old and in almost perfect health and condition except it was beginning to shear limbs and had significant delamination of horizontal majors, being nearly 70 feet tall with a spread of approx 60 feet yet had sheared a rather large limb 18” and another smaller one 10” so needed some remediation there and realistically needed an all over weight reduction and dead wooding… One of my mates scoffed at the quote I gave them boasting he could have removed the tree for $1200!! He is a well respected Arborist and a renown renovator of Edna Walling Gardens yet obviously in my eyes not very capable of either LISTENING to clients needs or wants or seeing the TRUE value in trees…
These Cypress owners only bought the property for the trees in particular the Cypress tree, with the tree gone the property was worth nothing to them, their children played in, under and around this tree and all the trees in the property, I discussed with the client the signs of causality the tree may exhibit when it wants to further reduce its own load however our remediation would see the tree “maintained” for at least the next 20 year or so with bi-annual inspections to confirm this (inspections are within the price for my business practice for the life of the projected value of remediation in this case 20 years)…
A man stopped in a Melbourne park on his way home from the pub one evening around 8 years ago and urinated beside a giant elm tree, one of possibly thousands throughout Melbourne, he was found the next morning crushed to death under a huge limb that had fallen off as he was relieving himself, clim020 and all your loyal followers, please tell me how we should prevent this from happening again, remove all, the thousands and thousands of trees/limbs/big trees/big limbs from parks and gardens in Melbourne??
A sting ray killed Steve Irwin an Australian icon and a hero of defenseless creatures and vegetation, my reference to us now killing all stingrays that were old, ugly or potentially dangerous was based on the fact that ONE had killed Steve and based on your theory all old, ugly and dangerous stingrays should now be removed or perhaps only removed around us as we enter their realm…
I have never milked clients out of money, I am owed approximately $15 000 by clients in Melbourne ALONE whom have found piss-ant excuses to not pay, they do the same to all people in there life I am sure so I forgive and move on, these people are not as you might put it so eloquently “STUPID” climb020, they are educated and calculating, if you or anyone can “milk” them of money you deserve a medal in my eyes because it is hard enough getting these people to pay let alone pay a fair and reasonable price for what equates to being, I am sure you would agree, insanely dangerous and technically brilliant work…
In assuming we milk them of money you also assume them to be stupid…
If I was to concur with you climb020 on the point you attempt to make of my stupidity it would only be based on my obvious stupidity in not blindly following your lead in removing trees as I saw fit for money that could be better spent possibly maintaining them or educating the client, If you think I am stupid climb020 then in your eyes I will always be stupid, if your loyal followers also believe this to be the case then so be it, at the end of days you and I don’t answer to each other, I answer to my daughter and her children’s, children as they will inherit this earth I am now a part of destroying with my modern consumptive ways…
Who will you and all your followers answer to climb020?
Perhaps this might be a better scenario for you to hypothesize and contemplate climb020;
“Yes dear”
“Grandpa, why are there no big trees around anymore like what I read about you used to climb an stuff when you was young?”…
Climb020, ask yourself this; “where are all the giant trees our forefathers worked on and around and therefore where are all the trees we now consider large going to be when our grand kids are old enough to ask?”
I don’t just give up on trees because I cant be bothered formulating a remediation package for them or the clients, perhaps this makes me stupid but I guess stupid is, stupid does…
God bless you and your followers’ climb020 and God bless America…