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Understood, it just seemed to be getting off topic and, speaking for myself, sometimes it gets difficult to find the information you want when searching because it gets lost in the mix.
Plenty of commercial wood splitter have the valve mounted directly on the cyl. Not unusual at all. Also, there are plenty of double ended cyl with the piston mounted in the center of the rod. While unusual for a new cyl to fail so quickly, Not so unusual if you buy a chinese cyl, but I have seen hundreds of new and rebuilt cyl blow seals out shortly after being installed. Shift happens, just because one person hasnt seen it, no one has seen it all.Much was learned by the free ranging conversation, none-the-less.
I've never seen a valve directly mounted to the cylinder port. I and several other made references to switching or moving hoses, having never noticed that you didn't have one to move. It looks annoying to repair, but really cuts down on hose expense.
I've never seen a new cylinder crap out so fast without cause, either.
Some other fella's hopefully learned a good bit more than they expected about hydraulic systems, too.