fair pay for 16 year old son.

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I think me and signoflife may be long lost brothers...sounds like he was raised exactly as I was.
I fondly remember coming in a few times pretty liquored up, Father would wake me still early on Sat or Sun morning. Long day of "chores" would ensue yet he would never ask me if I had been drinking (and I darn well knew that he was full aware that I was hungover like no tomorrow).
Never received an allowance etc...but have to say I never wanted for anything either. I worked hard at home and was rewarded w/ being raised the right way (clothed, fed, always warm, allowed to participate in any sports I wanted etc...). Extra's that are often viewed as "rights" now (cars, stereo's etc...) I had to earn by working away from home. Never did the "chores" lessen just b/c I had a job away from home.
I like the idea of letting him use your tools to attempt to make money selling wood, mowing grass etc... Dad would let me cut wood to sell around X-mas time every year, his saws/truck etc... I was able to sell at local shopping malls on sundays and would make nearly 200 bucks a pickup load by selling it by the piece.
When I was your age... How many of us swore to God that we'd never utter those words to our own kids?

But facts are facts no matter the year or generation.

The only way I pay my kids get paid to work, is if I'm getting paid for their work.

When I started working full time (I've worked at least one full-time job from 15to my present 35) I was relieved of "my" chores and those things became work that were shared by us all and done by whomever was available to do it. In short I was treated as a man and expected to act accordingly. Now the difference in my case may be that I never kept more than $20 from any of my paychecks (I made anywhere from $6.50 and $12.00 /h) while I lived at home and the rest went to the "house" for bills, but I still believe that as a boy takes on the responsibilities (a job qualifies regardless of the reason) of a man he should be treated to an equal degree of respect.
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I'm 21. I have worked hard for my parents since I was 13. I give them a minimum of 120 hrs. a month -and thats in my spare time. They have never paid me once. And I don't expect it. However, I have always been able to do whatever I want on their place. If I want to saw a tree, I do it, if I want to plant one, same thing. I saw firewood in the winter and mow in the summer. I also repiair and care for their cars and equipment as needed.
People have to work together so the group can move forward and do well. If I was smarter I could prove it to you with math.

I suppose they could pay me but, someday all that I have worked on my whole life will belong to me. And as I look around I'd say that its a pretty good deal. Because in these times I could work my whole life and not end up with a thing.

To answer the original question of how much should a 16 year old be paid doing jobs around the house so he can earn gas and insurance money: Nothing. Give everything to him. But make him work very hard for it. No work? No car and no fuel.

Hourly wages don't work. They can slack off for over half that time.
Have him move a four cord pile of wood and stack it and tell him not to stop until its done. You gotta go by the job, not hour.
If you have to pay him to cut, split, and stack, you might as well be paying the gas man and you both could get more done working on something else. The whole point of burning wood is to save $$$, for me anyway. BUT, do understand, if the kid has to go to work, there will be less time for him to help you. The boy is 16, so he does have school responsibilities, that plus a potential job, can take up quite a slice of time. I say you two cut wood together and sell some extra, split the cash, after expenses, of course:greenchainsaw:
I never thought twice about helping my Dad out around the house, and never expected to be paid for it. Even when I was little I could see and understand how he worked and provided for the family. We always mowed the lawn together. When it snowed, he ran the snow blower, and I shoveled the walks and patio. If it snowed during the week, I would make sure everything was done before he got home. If the cellar flooded, we'd take care of it together. Working on the cars, doing a stone wall, finally installing a sump pump, ;) , building a screened in porch. We did all of this stuff together. Money? What did money have to do with it?

And the best part is that we still do this stuff together to this day. (He's 79 and I'm 52) We are always planning and looking forward to "projects". Building a deck, running an electric line somewhere. We split wood for a couple of hours this past Saturday. It's neither work nor a chore and time with family is priceless and not to be wasted.
To me this whole subject is a little unnerving. As I have watched my daughter grow up and have friends over, I have been horrified as to how people raise their kids, and what kids expect.
I dont know about you, but as a kid I had ZERO rights. Now kids seem to have this idea that they have a RIGHT to certain things. Cell phones, as my daughter has explained to me, is a RIGHT. Designer clothes, pocket money, and to be free from any "spankings" as this is ABUSE. It floors me when she relates what her friends tell her.
Wasnt that long ago when she asked me over the dinner table if she could have me arrrested for hitting her.I said, Yep, you sure could. But then I explained that eventually I was going to get out, and whatever spanking that landed me in jail would be small potatoes compared to what I would hand out when i got home.
I have never 'hit" my daughter, but the belt comes out when I or her mother is disrespected or it appears that a lesson is not going to be learned any other way.

I remember just after watching Mohamid Alli take out Frazier the
news cam on in seventy something with a preacher that was
handcuffed for spanking his boy and my dad looked at me and
said, son if you ever try that with me you will not come back
to my home! I said, you know I would not ever even think up
chit like that. He said I know but I meant what I said. Turning
in your parents for spanking you for doing something wrong is
only done by pu:censored:y's
The time to teach them work ethic is now, because when they are teens, you can teach them nothing.

Worked for me, worked for my sons, thats all I know.

I pay the boys(9 & 12) $1 an hour when we cut and split. Everything else they do is a chore(clean rooms, bathrooms, laundry, vacuum, dust) and they do it because they are a member of the family and we all pull our weight. Swapping chores is allowed and I will do their chores for them......for a pretty good price. I normally do some inside chores so the boys see that it is not just for girls(my wife hates doing the bathroom...especially with boys missing the toilet!). So the boys get to learn why they should hit the toilet instead of the floor. They get to use a portion of their earnings to buy whatever they want(50% spending money, 40% savings, 10% charity/church). We have watched them buy junk with their money, but when the cheapy toy fails, they learn not to buy crap. The best lessons in life are experienced and we let our kids fail so they learn how to succeed, instead of swooping in to save them whenever they get into trouble or have a problem.

Well said, men! :cheers:
Growing up on a farm kinda gives a person a different outlook on such than your wife has. My father would have given me the shirt off of his back if I needed it and asked for it but I will guaranty you one thing, if I would have told him Ill do chores when we settle upon an hourly wage for doing it I have experienced immense pain (when I came to). That same attitude was passed down to me and on down to my sons who at ages 18 and 19 gladly spend a day with me in a woods BECAUSE they have done it since they were just out of diapers. Sorry I am of no help to you with your son, I can offer advise to others reading who have boys in diapers. The time to teach them work ethic is now, because when they are teens, you can teach them nothing.

Worked for me, worked for my sons, thats all I know.

I couldn't agree more with that, especially the last part. The teen years are when everything you have taught them gets reinforced and put to the test before they step out on their own. That's when you will know you have done a good job at raising them.
When I was a kid I had chores that were expected of me. My parents started my brothers and I off by buying us a calf when we were 8 yrs old. To pay for feed we had to help with chores, feeding, pitching manure and everything else that went along with it. When the cattle were sold, we gave back a little to mom and dad, but the rest was ours to put into savings. I was never paid a wage, but always had all I needed. If friends or cousins came to help with hay, manure or other jobs they would get a wage, but dad always said they weren't getting the big check at slaughter time.

One year the water froze in the barn and we had to fill up 2 25 gallon drums from the well at the house and drive them out with the pickup once a day. I took the initiative to do that myself after supper so mom and dad could visit for a while. After a while I got a sincere thank you and a pat on the back, which were hard to come by from dad it seemed. To some a sense of pride without $ payment reaps bigger rewards in the long run.

I think me and signoflife may be long lost brothers...
I like the idea of letting him use your tools to attempt to make money selling wood, mowing grass etc... Dad would let me cut wood to sell around X-mas time every year, his saws/truck etc... I was able to sell at local shopping malls on sundays and would make nearly 200 bucks a pickup load by selling it by the piece.

We must be related...in the spring after finishing getting our wood for the next winter, (when I was in my early teens) my father would set me up with his saws to cut wood and sell it, he would even sometimes pay for the fuel, I wood cut, split and load it. He would drive and we would both unload and he would let me keep all the money.
I never thought twice about helping my Dad out around the house, and never expected to be paid for it. Even when I was little I could see and understand how he worked and provided for the family. We always mowed the lawn together. When it snowed, he ran the snow blower, and I shoveled the walks and patio. If it snowed during the week, I would make sure everything was done before he got home. If the cellar flooded, we'd take care of it together. Working on the cars, doing a stone wall, finally installing a sump pump, ;) , building a screened in porch. We did all of this stuff together. Money? What did money have to do with it?

And the best part is that we still do this stuff together to this day. (He's 79 and I'm 52) We are always planning and looking forward to "projects". Building a deck, running an electric line somewhere. We split wood for a couple of hours this past Saturday. It's neither work nor a chore and time with family is priceless and not to be wasted.

Very good post, my friend! :cheers:
This is a great thread.

I have 3 young kids ( 3.5 son and 2 year old twins, boy/girl)

My two year olds both know that the wood dad brings to the fire gives us heat. This autunm I had to shape a block of wood to look like a maul head paint it and put a small shaft on it cause the oldest boy wanted to help dad split the wood, and boy did he beat the hell out of a piece of fire wood!!!

All three of them take turns to feed our cat's. Guess what I am saying like 99% here, Kids need to be taught to work and learn that nothing gets done by it's self. Mum and dad, go to work to earn pennies, to buy food, clothes etc... My wife think I am a bit hard on them when they waste food, ruin close etc. but thats how I was brought up and don't feel bitter about it. If Granpa need help he got help, if the mum wanted/ needed help she got help. I worked p/t from the age of 12(32 now) for pocket money, when I went to Uni, I stayed at home and worked longer hours etc, but after turning 18 I paid rent, not alot, but enought to know that I had to contribute.

When I was a kid we split and stacked wood as part of our chores....and we liked it!

We mowed the grass.........and we liked it!

We washed the car.......and we liked it!

Did dishes........and we liked it!

Painted the house........and we liked it!

Punishment came in the form of a belt whipping........and we liked it!

Didn't even bother reading the whole thread yet before posting!....Amen, sir TreeCo! :clap: .....There was never an allowance in my house, by God. You were thankful to have a roof over your head, cloths on your back and food on the table and we were reminded of that regularly and yea WE LIKED IT!.....lol.....or we got TreeCo's last option (leather) allowance!

Growing up on a farm kinda gives a person a different outlook on such than your wife has. My father would have given me the shirt off of his back if I needed it and asked for it but I will guaranty you one thing, if I would have told him Ill do chores when we settle upon an hourly wage for doing it I have experienced immense pain (when I came to). That same attitude was passed down to me and on down to my sons who at ages 18 and 19 gladly spend a day with me in a woods BECAUSE they have done it since they were just out of diapers. Sorry I am of no help to you with your son, I can offer advise to others reading who have boys in diapers. The time to teach them work ethic is now, because when they are teens, you can teach them nothing.

Worked for me, worked for my sons, thats all I know.

You got that right, my sons are 3 and 1. The 3 year old helps with the dog kennel chores, has for almost a year now. His job is to collect the dog bowls and bring them to the feed bin to be filled. Chores will just be considered a part of life to him. Now that its cold he likes to help fill the OWB. He grabs whatever he can lift from the pile and puts it in front of the door. Never even had to ask him to. Just saw what dad was doing and wants to help. Knows that we'll go for a UTV ride when I'm done with the chores.
Wasnt that long ago when she asked me over the dinner table if she could have me arrrested for hitting her.I said, Yep, you sure could. But then I explained that eventually I was going to get out, and whatever spanking that landed me in jail would be small potatoes compared to what I would hand out when i got home.
I have never 'hit" my daughter, but the belt comes out when I or her mother is disrespected or it appears that a lesson is not going to be learned any other way.

I remember just after watching Mohamid Alli take out Frazier the
news cam on in seventy something with a preacher that was
handcuffed for spanking his boy and my dad looked at me and
said, son if you ever try that with me you will not come back
to my home! I said, you know I would not ever even think up
chit like that. He said I know but I meant what I said. Turning
in your parents for spanking you for doing something wrong is
only done by pu:censored:y's

Reminds me of story my FIL would tell....He was a school teacher for 30 some years so yea he had lots of them but this one I never have forgotten.

A student who got in trouble at school, goes home and gets in more trouble, like we use to. Kid tells the dad "I'm going to call the law and have you arrested", old man says "oh yea, I tell ya what, if you think you can make it over there to that telephone and call the law, before I get my hands on ya again, just go ahead and try it"......The dad tells my FIL that's the last time calling the law on him was ever mentioned! :clap:
One of the problems is we all live our own lives and stay out of other
peoples business. In the old days if a father was a deadbeat he got rousted
by the local good ole boys and roughed up a little to let him know his responsibilities. A good old fashion azz stompin can straighten out
what the legal system never will. My grand dad used to tell me if
it became known a father was not providing or beating his wife the
men of the county would pay him a visit and straiten his act up.
I know it is vigilante but the truth is; it works.

I have seen too many kids of divorce without a father role
in their life and homos are the result many times. The dern
system should take care of those irresponsible daddy wannbees.
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To me this whole subject is a little unnerving. As I have watched my daughter grow up and have friends over, I have been horrified as to how people raise their kids, and what kids expect.
I dont know about you, but as a kid I had ZERO rights. Now kids seem to have this idea that they have a RIGHT to certain things. Cell phones, as my daughter has explained to me, is a RIGHT. Designer clothes, pocket money, and to be free from any "spankings" as this is ABUSE. It floors me when she relates what her friends tell her.
Wasnt that long ago when she asked me over the dinner table if she could have me arrrested for hitting her.I said, Yep, you sure could. But then I explained that eventually I was going to get out, and whatever spanking that landed me in jail would be small potatoes compared to what I would hand out when i got home.
I have never 'hit" my daughter, but the belt comes out when I or her mother is disrespected or it appears that a lesson is not going to be learned any other way.

Well said, avalancher. I don't think that kids realize just how good they have it. I grew up poor, my wife grew up with money and I can see it is going to be a struggle in the future as to how our daughter is going to be raised.

As for the guy who is asking what fair pay is for his son, I would say a roof over his head, clothes on his back and being fed on a regular basis. Cell phones have no place when you are working, unless it is part of your job.
Well said, avalancher. I don't think that kids realize just how good they have it. I grew up poor, my wife grew up with money and I can see it is going to be a struggle in the future as to how our daughter is going to be raised.

As for the guy who is asking what fair pay is for his son, I would say a roof over his head, clothes on his back and being fed on a regular basis. Cell phones have no place when you are working, unless it is part of your job.

man I feel ya! me and wife bump heads almost daily with this one.. she had it easy my single mom worked her ass off to keep us... we did what we could to help.
if he wants a pay check then he needs a JOB but make sure that wood gets split and stacked before he goes to work or he could just get a job and not do any chores and start paying rent.....