Falling pics 11/25/09

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You may be on to something here. . . Call it "Timber faller day camp". Guys pay to cut trees for the day in the hip pocket of an instructor. Charge'em $350 for the day, which will include lunch (a baloney sandwich, Mountain dew, and baggy of Lays BBQ chips :D).

Annnnnd, the logger gets free wood on the ground for the day! :laugh:

GOL, dogg.
You may be on to something here. . . Call it "Timber faller day camp". Guys pay to cut trees for the day in the hip pocket of an instructor. Charge'em $350 for the day, which will include lunch (a baloney sandwich, Mountain dew, and baggy of Lays BBQ chips :D).

Annnnnd, the logger gets free wood on the ground for the day! :laugh:

I had that idea eons ago. I call it Man Camp. I'd have a comfy camp. Comfy for normal people but roughing it for rich guys and sell them riggin' clothes and have a field trip to Kuliens to fit them for boots.
Then into an authentic crummie (well, maybe not too authentic) and off to the woods. I'd have fallers working as "guides" and the new faller would get a complimentary picture of him falling a tree.

Then a nice lunch...perhaps a tablecloth thrown over a log. After a few more trees, back to camp where the "guides" could answer questions and lecture (B.S.) the campers. Beverages would be included.
I had that idea eons ago. I call it Man Camp. I'd have a comfy camp. Comfy for normal people but roughing it for rich guys and sell them riggin' clothes and have a field trip to Kuliens to fit them for boots.
Then into an authentic crummie (well, maybe not too authentic) and off to the woods. I'd have fallers working as "guides" and the new faller would get a complimentary picture of him falling a tree.

Then a nice lunch...perhaps a tablecloth thrown over a log. After a few more trees, back to camp where the "guides" could answer questions and lecture (B.S.) the campers. Beverages would be included.

We'd have to pay more for your class Patty. . . It's fancy! :laugh:

For an extra $30 bucks, you could show them how to open a beer bottle with a running chainsaw ( a fancy import beer of course)!
With the popularity of Axmen on the boob tube, I think this class could be a hit! :D

They could sign a waiver that read, "If you die, welcome to logging, now pull up your nickers, grab your nuts, and quit complaining." :rock:
Yes, the siswheel maximizes your hold-wood by elongating the fibers, also the face is steeper on the hold side, so the other side closes first.

Going to have to look for the right tree to try this. Thanks. This site has been great for me. Been falling pro for almost a year, but I was just told to fall with the lean. Knowing better. It's been alot of trial and error and run like a motha. Thanks again.
Going to have to look for the right tree to try this. Thanks. This site has been great for me. Been falling pro for almost a year, but I was just told to fall with the lean. Knowing better. It's been alot of trial and error and run like a motha. Thanks again.

Just fall with the lean? Man, I want a job where you work.
Going to have to look for the right tree to try this. Thanks. This site has been great for me. Been falling pro for almost a year, but I was just told to fall with the lean. Knowing better. It's been alot of trial and error and run like a motha. Thanks again.

Be careful with this advanced stuff! Not telling ya not to try it, just be careful. :)
Speaking of advanced, when Cody was up here, he showed me something he used in Alaska.

You drop the tree from the face, no back cut.

You bore into the middle of the face and fan both ways. It was pretty neat, and handy to have in the goody bag.
so thats where you have been hiding. i'm pissed, this last year i paid for tags that i didnt use. didn't even wet a line.:(
Dang, that is no good at all. Just losing a few leaders is better than nothing. Don't feel too bad though, I fished my butt off for chinook, nothing not a single take . I guess thats why so many people line rub them:msp_rolleyes: I have plans for the future though:msp_sneaky: I watched a guy limit within 15 minutes of opening morning, glow in the dark cleos. . . .
Going to have to look for the right tree to try this. Thanks. This site has been great for me. Been falling pro for almost a year, but I was just told to fall with the lean. Knowing better. It's been alot of trial and error and run like a motha. Thanks again.

Falling as in tripping on an ivy and going face first into the brush? Yea, I tend to go with the lean to lmao.
So does the wedge you left act as a kind of 'key' to rotate the tree away from it? In the picture you show, would the lean have been to the wedge side and the intended lay opposite?

You cut the wedge shaped peice out of the face in front of the hinge to expose it. The lean is on the far side (opposite the siswel). By exposing the fibers of the hinge on the near side they bend instead of break when the face is closing, keeping the butt on the stump longer and allowing the top to swing to the lay. The far side is dutched off completely either before or during the process. The idea is keeping the tree on the stump long enough to pull the top from its lean to the lay. Just like with a dutchman you cut the far side off (lean side) and keep the near side intact (swing to side). Just keep the fatty hinge close to you if you get my drift. Explaining this in person is a #####, online it gets pretty abstract. Think of where the tension wood is and the compression wood is. Tension wood keeps the tree to the stump. You can see on the butt where it pulled the hinge wood from the stump.
So, uh, where's the sign up sheet for this camp, also there needs to be a course on "field expedient TP" that involves not going home with pockets or sleeves on your shirt :D
So, uh, where's the sign up sheet for this camp, also there needs to be a course on "field expedient TP" that involves not going home with pockets or sleeves on your shirt :D

Hahaha, you should have seen me my first week in the woods. I was like, "How do you guys pack TP with ya?"

They were like, "You see any sleeves on our shirts?" LOL

Ain't nothing worse than having the berries 800' feet down, and realizing you ain't got no sleeves left! :msp_scared:
Hahaha, you should have seen me my first week in the woods. I was like, "How do you guys pack TP with ya?"

They were like, "You see any sleeves on our shirts?" LOL

Ain't nothing worse than having the berries 800' feet down, and realizing you ain't got no sleeves left! :msp_scared:

Cotton knit fallers gloves work surprisingly well....
Just fall with the lean? Man, I want a job where you work.

This job we have been on started as a hardwood thin. It was all overgrown rotten maple, birch and alder. Nothing like learning on the dangerous stuff. Bore cuts are a must. It doesn't take long to learn you are the fall guy, if it doesn't swing or yard well.
Falling as in tripping on an ivy and going face first into the brush? Yea, I tend to go with the lean to lmao.

Not much ivy here. I have rolled my way through stinging nettles and blackberries. Got to watch where you pop a squat around here in the spring and summer for sure. I wrap my phone in a bandana that comes in handy when you work for number two in the brush.
Well since this thread has taken a decided turn, I'll just throw this out. You guys of regular height, you buy men's talls. That way you have a lot of shirt tail material to work with.