Here I go again, last time promise...
Sometimes, a few put themselves at risk so that others can be safe.
As I've said before, I deal with what other folks can't or won't, meaning danger trees, close quarter work near houses/buildings etc, I and those like me, know and understand the risk, accept it as what needs done to make others safer, mitigate as much of the risk as possible and get the job done. When a tree needs down, it needs down for a reason, Madhatte's work is crowded with 18-22 year old idiots, stuffed in cracker box housing, with limited funds for silly things like trees. If they didn't take the time to deal with it someone innocent likely would have been killed by it. Flagging "danger trees" and avoiding them works when you have 400 acres to play in, not when you have 50 feet.
Be it crooked cuts, shoving with machines underweight for the job, whatever. While there is a lot of death and dismemberment in logging, its from one of 2 reasons, not knowing or becoming complacent to the dangers, I.E. real young and dumb or just old enough to start thinking its routine.
In the end Loggers (and tree service/arborists) put our lives at risk so you can shelter your ass while you sleep, or smear the **** off your ass.