Falling pics 11/25/09

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Every once & a while I get to fall a tree. I’m saving up for a steep hillside littered with old growth.


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View attachment 621408 View attachment 621409 View attachment 621410 View attachment 621411 View attachment 621412 View attachment 621413 Well today I tried Logger Wades triple hinge. The tree was slightly leaning in that direction but I wanted it to go further right, which it did.
I gutted the face first.
I probably would have had the same result banging wedges, but I'll never know now.

Quite the bypass you got there on your uphill side, you’ll never pull one too far like that unless there’s physics I’m ignorant to!
Wood farmer- if you want to swing a tree don't watch logger Wade videos. Cut the low side/far side off. Keep the near side intact and open. Watch the top as she comes around and cut accordingly. If its going to go fast throw a snipe on the stump to help keep it moving and take the pressure off of it as the face closes. I swing em all day by simple dutchmans. Typically you need more cuts then that when you're really trying to pull something.
I hope you mean "magic" as in ha ha ha "magic." Cuz that good ole boy ain't pulling any rabbits out of hats for me.
What I’ve noticed in his videos is there seems to be a lot of room in the woods he cuts, if you look at my last picture with the log on the ground, you can see there isn’t a whole lot of room to drop a tree without getting hung up. There are a lot of massive soft maples with large crowns. Which happens regularly. bitz, are your woods fairly spacious?
I would like to learn to move a tree more than I can with wedges, if any of you guys ever get up this way. I’m straight north of Buffalo, you just have to go round the lake.
What I’ve noticed in his videos is there seems to be a lot of room in the woods he cuts, if you look at my last picture with the log on the ground, you can see there isn’t a whole lot of room to drop a tree without getting hung up. Which happens regularly. bitz, are your woods fairly spacious?

It depends on when it was cut last, woods type, etc. Typically when you're logging you get a hole open and then you can start throwing trees into that hole. It's your layout for the day. When youre cutting one species out of the woods, say ash, it can be difficult to get them thru the standing timber. There's tricks you can use like getting them free of the stump asap so they will roll thru the timber etc, but sometimes you get some pretty tight quarters in a select cut. It makes for a long day. My guess is he gets a big enough hole to video the one tree he has picked out for his shenanigans.
What I’ve noticed in his videos is there seems to be a lot of room in the woods he cuts, if you look at my last picture with the log on the ground, you can see there isn’t a whole lot of room to drop a tree without getting hung up. There are a lot of massive soft maples with large crowns. Which happens regularly. bitz, are your woods fairly spacious?
I would like to learn to move a tree more than I can with wedges, if any of you guys ever get up this way. I’m straight north of Buffalo, you just have to go round the lake.
Plan ahead a little bit, 4-5 trees in advance of what you're wanting to cut. Walk the woods and get an idea of the problem children.

Then its easy to work a plan around them.

But remember, best laid plans of Mice, are subject to change
Dutchman or bypass is a cut in the face that will by pass your hinge basically you're just going deeper on your face on one side.

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Can you pinpoint where in my pictures for me?
I put in my face cut, bored the center leaving about 4” on either side.
Then I made those 2 vertical cuts (what is called the high side correct?)
Then I went to the far side(low side) and worked my way around to the triple hinge and over she went.
I appreciate all the input as I don’t regularly swing trees, I usually have the tractor and winch with me but I put the darn snowblower on the tractor as we were supposed to get a big snowfall which didn’t happen, that’s another story.
Logger Wade does seem to know how to run lots of different equipment, and I admire how he and his team hold down the workloads - he seems to be taking it from standing wood to milled products. That's a bunch of different skill sets far removed from logging. He'll screw up and won't be shy about posting it to youtube. I like that.

He does take a few risks that I wouldn't recommend, and some of his cutting isn't the sort to hold aloft as a good example for others to follow, but he's getting 'er done. Which is far more than at least me at the mo'.

I enjoyed his sawmill videos and all the repairs and upgrades he is doing to the mill.
What do you mean by “bypass”?
See where you have flat kerf in between your holding wood & where your face opens up? That’s a bypass. The kerf is gonna close prematurely & you’ll be pulling that wood instead of letting it bend.
I appreciate all the input as I don’t regularly swing trees, I usually have the tractor and winch with me but I put the darn snowblower on the tractor as we were supposed to get a big snowfall which didn’t happen, that’s another story.

If you want excellent examples of how to do specialty cuts or just falling in general check out this guy:

He's one of the best I've ever seen.