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The Mc/Partner 543 is just an ugly 540
I agree with that - the 543 is a really fugly creation! :msp_mad:
The Mc/Partner 543 is just an ugly 540
Oh yes, didn't see that :msp_smile:
At least the best ones ! The Mc/Partner 543 is just an ugly 540 and the 500 formula a better 500...
Got thatIf there is certain model you desire, then tell me. 543 are very rare, but i know a guy running one...500 formalas show up from time to time, but i think you'd like better ones than this ?
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I assume the top end of the 540 is very close to the same as the open port Husky 55 one, or is it exactly the same?
I know we discussed this before and we established that the 543 shared the exact same 46mm open port top end as some Huskys did and the 540 is the same right?.