William was helping and I was too. Chain is one area we can not help each other with (not in here) its too complicated and when you add milling to it, it makes some basic understanding mandatory. There are guys on this site that are actual experts on chain and there is more than one. Information was being shot so fast at hacksaw what i wanted him to slow down and start to look so he could talk to William who I am sure has a lot of experience that he is anxious to help/share others with. I could see hacksaw placing an order to get it over with.
Nobody need to show me up and i was not showing up William. an hours worth of reading hacksaw could have asked pointed question from someone who appears to have experience or understood better what he was hearing. i am just a humble kit builder who has been though the forum thing. where making a post can cause you to lose sleep after someone twists it up. man i love this journey and want everyone that wants to join in including william and hacksaw or anyone else, to join in. building a saw is not anywhere as complicated as understanding the chain.
guys dont be afraid of this process. the forum is scary and there are some buttholes. but you will survive, i am proof. so ask questions make comments and if you see someone going to fast slow them down. the scary part is when you are not sure what to ask or how to present it so you don't look clueless. if that is keeping you from posting send me a message i will if i can help you make sense so you can make your post, if that will get you off the fence and talking.
i will tell you a lesson i learned so prove its confusing. i got the 070 and there were no bars for it that i felt good about. So i went to my stihl dealer and told him i had a 070 and needed a bar. this guy had never seen one, he grabbed his catalog and said you need this bar. so i bought it, he ordered it and it arrived and i tried to put it on and it would not fit!
I did everything right and the guy was so mad at me when i wanted to return it, why was he not mad at stihl? stihl does not sell a bar that will fit a 070, i did not know that. on a 070/090 there is also the argument of 3/8 or .404. Regular chain what grind? skip? on and on, angle of your grind, lol. So before you buy and hacksaw was hunting we need to slow down and get it right. that was my total motivation. I also got a lesson by driving to see a guy that specializes in chain and bars and bought the bar/chain from him. I saw some amazing equipment that he uses to grind the chain and the other support equipment like straightening out a bar. thousands of dollars in equipment. there is a lot to it, but its easy to learn, its not rocket science, but you do need to get the basics so you can absorb the rest as you go.