FarmerTec Huztl MS660 Updated Build Kit - Build Thread

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All I'm saying is that when people on here are buying these kits, there are usually parts that are missing. Also parts that are commonly replaced with oem parts or better aftermarket parts. So he could have a kit premade for your Chinese kit with all those parts.
I agree. That was my initial intent... Got pricey real quick... I keep seeing "replace this and replace that"... The kit works on it's own. The kit works marginally better with a few things swapped. The kit becomes an aftermarket "blown 500 cubic inch show car" if you're willing to throw enough money at it. The original intent was "to see if these chinese kits were actually worth the cheap price".. They absolutely are, but if you think that Stihl has more than $500 in an OEM saw at cost, you're crazy. So yeah, you can in all honesty make a saw that's superior to an actual $1500 retail OEM 660... My saws are work saws and thats exactly what I expect them to do and how I build them. I'd say if you had a hard target of $400, and you replace parts with "better" (not always oem) parts in order of importance till you get to $400, you will end up with a really nice saw.
Bedford, have you thought about making up your own kits and selling them? Maybe just the parts that are generally missing and preferred to use on the various Chinese kits? You could be the "Chainsaw kit for the Chinese chainsaw kit guy". Kits could include assortment of a.m. and oem parts

I love that idea. There is really not enough volume to have product siting on my shelf. I have considered that. I asked definitive dave to open a tool store so guys could get what they needed and i don't think he like that idea, he already sells the stuff.

So the way I have handled it is I wrote the website. The most complete is the 660. I am going to do a 440 mag next and while i am doing that I will make the 440 list more complete. Right now you can find out, what to expect, how to respond and what to buy and links to videos on how to do it. It would be great if I could make some money and retire again but its just a hobby. For fun so guys can buildem and come and show us what they did. its a lot of fun when some one gets a kit and builds it live. meaning he is telling you what he is doing while he is doing it. but with the videos thats kinda hard. because you know and dont have to ask. If you read what i wrote and watch my videos espically on the 660 since I am trying to make a point. your saw will start up and run a long time without drama. I would have paid 500$ to have had that info on my first kit. i would have been on top of the world, I had to beg and endure ridicule but it got done. My first had an air leak. no pressure tester lol
All I'm saying is that when people on here are buying these kits, there are usually parts that are missing. Also parts that are commonly replaced with oem parts or better aftermarket parts. So he could have a kit premade for your Chinese kit with all those parts.

I have done enough and seen enough that there are parts you should replace unless you are going to maybe use your saw 50 times.

currently every fuel related part should be oem including carb
piston needle bearing, wrist pin, shorten your ears on the circlips, decomp valve
only use a brake band with a pin
only use the wrap handle or buy a used/new oem to be sure it does not bend like the kit handle can.
I know i am leaving something out

And I was, the rotor and the rope. On the big 660 you might enjoy the elastostart. Nothings wrong with the oiler with a 20in bar anything over you need the 3201 oiler, just like a real Stihl.
that looks like a beast, its battle ready lol
Yes sir she is. I haha a question about getting some videos on here I've tried many times now to share the short vid I made on how to replace the fuel nipple on the carb but it just won't let me for some reason. Maybe there's something I'm doing wrong I don't know?
Yes sir she is. I haha a question about getting some videos on here I've tried many times now to share the short vid I made on how to replace the fuel nipple on the carb but it just won't let me for some reason. Maybe there's something I'm doing wrong I don't know?
You gotta post the video somewhere that you can share it. YouTube and others. Then get the shared link and come back here and paste the link, the video will appear here. We can upload photos here and we should be thankful for that. But on videos it has to be somewhere else
You gotta post the video somewhere that you can share it. YouTube and others. Then get the shared link and come back here and paste the link, the video will appear here. We can upload photos here and we should be thankful for that. But on videos it has to be somewhere else
OK I'll give it a go some time this weekend not like I can go outside and play or anything it's ugly out there Lol:dizzy:
You gotta post the video somewhere that you can share it. YouTube and others. Then get the shared link and come back here and paste the link, the video will appear here. We can upload photos here and we should be thankful for that. But on videos it has to be somewhere else

You gotta post the video somewhere that you can share it. YouTube and others. Then get the shared link and come back here and paste the link, the video will appear here. We can upload photos here and we should be thankful for that. But on videos it has to be somewhere else
I agree FT 660 oiling chain kinda chincy....With 24" bar and oiler set to "max" I can see it slinging a little onto cardboard. But after cutting some rounds the chain is dry and crusty lookin. I can get about 2 tanks of fuel per 1 tank bar oil. It's advisable to get a high output oiler? Can anyone get me a link for it?
Since last post I found a Stens 36" for <$60 @ Maverick mower. An excellent price
Hi, just getting my parts together for a new 660 build. I'm going to be milling with the 660. got the kit +$200 in OEM and AM parts, thanks for all the suggestions.

Can you confirm that this bar will work with the 660 (sthil not listed)?

What would be a good (yet economical haha) chain to pair it with for milling?

What mill are you guys using? Is the FT any good? also, does the FT go on sale often? they have it for 139 on ebay, but I guess it was a lot cheaper in the past.

Thanks guys, and especially Bedford...gonna be watching your videos every step of the build!
Hi, just getting my parts together for a new 660 build. I'm going to be milling with the 660. got the kit +$200 in OEM and AM parts, thanks for all the suggestions.

Can you confirm that this bar will work with the 660 (sthil not listed)?

What would be a good (yet economical haha) chain to pair it with for milling?

What mill are you guys using? Is the FT any good? also, does the FT go on sale often? they have it for 139 on ebay, but I guess it was a lot cheaper in the past.

Thanks guys, and especially Bedford...gonna be watching your videos every step of the build!
What bar do you plan on using?
I have a Granberg 36 and run an Archer Pro 36 with the 660 and Oregon Powermatch 36 with my Huskys... I use Carlon full house rip chain at 10....
My FarmerTec mill works great and yes they go on sale. I hope to be using it soon.

I guess you have read my warnings on milling with it so I won't repeat. But welcome and hope you have just as much fun as we have. You will be a lot savvier when you finish.

There is a fella in the mountains of nc that has the machinery and skill to advise you on the chain. Since your milling you need the best chain. I use huztl chain on about everything except milling. Oregon and Stihl are fine chains. has some great information on milling and chains.

Now why the best chain on a saw you built. Cause milling is really tuff on a chainsaw and we built ours. The chain doing all the work. you can message him. I bought a cannon bar from him and it cost half what I paid on the saw. Everyother bar is a huztl or another Chinese bar. On milling my bar and chain are up there. Man my saws mill great. Give it plenty of oil in the fuel and on the bar. I just posted on a high output oilers I would grab two of those.

We are here if you need us. When your using the videos listen/watch close I am not an actor and it is sorta like I am doing it live. So I might oil a bearing and forgot to say the words. I don't remember that happening but between the spoken and the action you will cover all your bases. One more thing heat cycle your engine before you actually mill it will also help you catch issues, like a test run.

Sorry, I was looking at the husky one...they have a Stihl...newbe!
would this be good for milling?

Is the Archer Pro a better brand or about the same?

Is this the Carlon chain? I bought a Stihl sharpener...can that be used to get 10 deg?

There is a 36" Forester w Full Chisel Chain for 82 also

thanks for all the help
I would run the Oregon bar myself but thats just me or a stihl bare.
Like I said, I have both the Oregon and the Archer Pro. I've milled a ton with the Oregon and only one 25" dia log with the new Archer... The Oregon does fine... I don't have any complaints yet with the Archer...
My FarmerTec mill works great and yes they go on sale. I hope to be using it soon.

I just posted on a high output oilers I would grab two of those.

Thanks, you guys are fast! I just bought a HO oilier...why do you suggest two? do they wear out fast?
I guess the cheap bars can't handle milling? let me know, I'll step it up if need be. thx again!
Both of my 36 bars are 3/8 .063... The Carlton chains that I have are 115 3/8 .063, but I took a link put of one chain to use it with the Archer on the 660. This is the first Archer bar that I've ever owned and to be honest, the Archer Pro bar is very well put together...