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The proposed tariff change only applies to direct ship packages. Gov created an exemption for pkgs valued less than 800. They don't need to pay or meet regulations. They proposing to eliminate the exemption. I don't think they will be able to do it. Lots of people will be caught and become pissed when they get a call about their package held at customs.

Most things come from China in a container and everything is paid. No OEM stuff will be impacted.
Don't bite the hands that feeds. You should pucker up and kiss our American asses since you likely wouldn't exist without our help.
Pretty sure I would exist. My family had no problems obtaining an ancestral passport. I'm 1,93, have blue eyes and somewhat blonde hair on parts of my skull. Russia probably wouldn't exist without your help. And your country wouldn't exist without Europeans. So... take a seat.
But will the tariffs affect stihl since zama carbs are made in china.So if you support stihl you are still supporting communist. If you take meds or use medical supplys or any number of things.It's just hard to get around it.But i think that was the end goal.Saws are just the tip of the iceberg,chinese parts are integrated into about everything.They also are in the meat business and vegetable and about anything you can think of.So if someone is smart enough to ween themselves completely please let me know how so i can do it too.
I don't care what you or anyone else does. I can only control what I choose to do or not to do. China basically dominates everything in your daily life. The majority of the time we have no practical choice. With knockoff saws and such I do indeed have a choice.
Pretty sure I would exist. My family had no problems obtaining an ancestral passport. I'm 1,93, have blue eyes and somewhat blonde hair on parts of my skull. Russia probably wouldn't exist without your help. And your country wouldn't exist without Europeans. So... take a seat.
Europe was rebuilt by the US after the war and has been defended by the US defense umbrella until this day.
One thing that history proves is Europe CAN'T live in peace long term.
Europe was rebuilt by the US after the war and has been defended by the US defense umbrella until this day.
One thing that history proves is Europe CAN'T live in peace long term.
did I even mention help from the USA? I was talking about the industry and mechanization of your own United Kingdom. you don't and won't listen to any viewpoint outside your narrow programming. good luck to you.
I've always been pretty conscious about the dependence teh global economy has on china and when the pandemic happened and everyone jumped on board with the "lets cut our dependence" philosophy, I was so pleased.
Fast forward and people still by chinese junk.
Even if the saws were good, I'd still not support their shady industrial practices.

Anyway, thanks for posting your experience. Hopefully anyone else doing research on these saws in future comes across it and can make a more informed decision.
If you shovel asbestos long enough you won't be scared of nothing anymore, I can guarantee you that.
I started work at a huge Dupont chemical plant in 1972. There was plenty of asbestos in use there at that time. The company was under pressure to find a replacement but they supplied workers with protective equipment and training about handling and possible risks. I recall them saying it would be impossible to find anything that could do all the things asbestos did. We used to chop old insulation off with hatchets and the dust flew everywhere. My father and uncles all had plural thickening before retirement. They died before 70. My one uncle, who quit smoking lived into his mid 90's. There were many industrial jobs with carcinogen exposure that little by little killed many men at even younger ages. The intermediate chemicals used in dye production had a high number of bladder cancer fatalities. After the lawsuits many of the products made there were discontinued. One I worked in many years was lead antiknock compounds. Later it was Freon. Asbestos was a killer made much more deadly when combined with smoking. Something I didn't take up.