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It always does. You can't have a discussion on this forum about Chinese saws without all the unwanted comments and opinions from people that don't own them.
You'll have to go to another forum for that.
Some are very passionate about the subject but some of us don't have upwards of $1,000 to spend on a saw not in use every day.
I would say that if you can't cough up $1000 on a quality tool that you are not applying yourself or are just cheap.

Cheap shot, bro. Not cool.

It's a rough time, $1k is a lot of money to a lot of people, kids are going back to school, and the northern hemisphere is heading into winter. For a lot of people, a $1000 saw doesn't exist, but their family still needs to be kept warm.
Some are very passionate about the subject but some of us don't have upwards of $1,000 to spend on a saw not in use every day.

Yeah, it's so funny that the only ones that complain about them are the ones that don't have them. I have less than 300 in my 395xp clone including the 36" bar and chain. It runs in 5 pulls no matter how long it sits. Oils like a mad dog and runs like a scalded dog. I am very happy with it.
Cheap shot, bro. Not cool.

It's a rough time, $1k is a lot of money to a lot of people, kids are going back to school, and the northern hemisphere is heading into winter. For a lot of people, a $1000 saw doesn't exist, but their family still needs to be kept warm.
In the first case we aren't talking about a grand here. Because the guy is going to go buy a chicom saw for 3-400, then spend additional money and time making it right with oem parts. The actually money differance is small potatoes.
If money is really tight just buy an Echo. You won't have a great performing saw, but it will not be a POS either.

I would also say most of the guys buying clones are doing so not based on financial reasons. Alot of them buy multiple pieces of garbage. Because we all no Americans love to buy oodles of Chinese junk.
Yeah, it's so funny that the only ones that complain about them are the ones that don't have them. I have less than 300 in my 395xp clone including the 36" bar and chain. It runs in 5 pulls no matter how long it sits. Oils like a mad dog and runs like a scalded dog. I am very happy with it.
Actually starting and oiling is a pretty low bar IMO.
Yeah, it's so funny that the only ones that complain about them are the ones that don't have them. I have less than 300 in my 395xp clone including the 36" bar and chain. It runs in 5 pulls no matter how long it sits. Oils like a mad dog and runs like a scalded dog. I am very happy with it.
I don't have to step in dog **** to know I don't want to step in dog ****.