Well holy cow revive an old thread award to me...

I figure no point in starting a new thread....
Anyway, I have just brought home 4, 18' flat deck trailer loads of fir, cut this past May, laying in piles full length, which I traded for some excavator work. While I had the machine on site I cut the logs in half and hauled them home in about 20-22' lengths. They were checking on the ends already, and I have now cut them all up ready to split. We have had a hot summer here with no rain for 3 months...the wood is out in the driveway in 16-20" lengths right next to the wood shed.
So my question is, do you think it would dry faster left in the sun and air/wind etc. whole, or split and stacked in the shed, which is just an open ended car cover type thing, metal frame, tarp over the top, about 8' high in the center but would then be in the shade but still have some air movement. Supposed to continue warm, 24-28C for the next few weeks with just a chance of showers. I know it would be best to split it and leave in the sun but I'm not moving it yet again.

Splitter is in the wood shed.
It's all I have for this year so need it for October, thankfully I brought home enough for the next few years so next year won't be a problem.