Thanks to some: thanks for nothing to others:
I believe if you start something you finish it. You keep your word! Whether you lose your ass or not at least you kept your word.
I've heard about enough impractical suggestions now to write a book. Lets get to the real situation though.
By the way tearing the deck apart was not an option,,,,it had just been built as of late, and as far as i'm concerned any half way skilled climber/ rigging team could have completed the task at hand w/ out damaged it.
If I'd told them to tear the deck apart they'd have had someone else do it.
Do you turn work done just because it's challenging. This is the kind of shiiiiiitttttt I live for....I get so tired of the day to day easy peasy b/s/.....Why not put your back into it and work for your money.
Money doesn't come easy and occasionally you should have to work for it.
So thanks for all of the great suggestions

from those of you who would just tear the deck apart and notch and drop. Obviously your not giving the kind of input i was asking for or needing. Let me know when you can actually get one done which requires more than the one cut prune.
I love hearing such remarks from people who have actually never posted a pic of themselves even in a tree.