Wow, he was lucky. You gotta love those 100 mph drives to the hospital-I once got pulled over by the RCMP en route to St Albert, AB hospital with a friend that had a bad landing, you guessed it again, jumping, and aside from the obvious concussion, when he started to bleed out of his ears and nose I got more than a little concerned while I was driving his car to the ER. so stomped it and was pulled over by a female RCMP about 20 minutes from the town doing 156 km/hr in a 90 zone (empty straight road no traffic, I would not try that in town ) She took one look, and told me to follow her as there was not an ambulance to be had due to them being tasked elsewhere. Mike was OK in the end, but he had me worried huge for a while. No ticket, but I did not really give a damn, and pre cell phone era I could not call for help.