I agree. With the tree job I have going on a commercial citrus/avocado/winegrape orchard I have just passed the 7,500 tree mark ranging from small (8") trunks and 40' tall to 48" and 120' tall (windbreak Casuarinas). I have been averaging 41 trees per hour, felling only with wedges and the very odd vehicle tow over. There are numerous valves, irrigation filters etc that I have to miss. Some runs of over 100 trees have had to be dropped on top of one another (they have a 2-3m spacing) so that the headlands either side can be accessed by vehicles. I probably have another 7,500 to go across another 3 properties for this company.
Around houses if you think you can put a tree on the ground at that speed you're looking for trouble.
After the amount of trees I've dropped, including a LOT of tricky bifurcated trunks plus split trunks I think/hope I've got my eye in

Tree felling is certainly NOT something you can learn from a book or TV show - Axemen sucks. I don't mind watching Heli Loggers though

In saying that I've had a few go astray too but luckily very little damage, always by cutting through too much hingewood or with gusty winds changing direction. I'd never touch a tricky tree near a house in winds like I've cut in on this property.