Fellow Lumberjills and Jacks

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No ****. I like it
Could be a good pick up line. I shall try it next time I see a woman, which isn't that often. Lol
Let me know first if it works for you, then I'll give it a go.
Women roll with the same kinda punches that we do.
Make them laugh, even if it's at you. Lot's of times a woman is you're guardian angel.
I know it's not saw talk, but I will shut the F up while I'm ahead of the game.
Could be a good pick up line. I shall try it next time I see a woman, which isn't that often. Lol
Let me know first if it works for you, then I'll give it a go.
Women roll with the same kinda punches that we do.
Make them laugh, even if it's at you. Lot's of times a woman is you're guardian angel.
I know it's not saw talk, but I will shut the F up while I'm ahead of the game.

It's true. I love a woman with a broad sense of humor. If they don't have that they aren't worth being around for long.
Very true, however, when I went to the pharmasy and asked for condoms for seniors, they said that the only senior condoms that they had in stock were the kind that come with suspenders.

I know what you mean.

What this continent needs is a good support condom.

Not that I need one..................................................................................yet. :laugh:

Take care.
Speaking of piss story's.
Shift change never disappoints around here. Last night Buddy hangs it out and other Faller cups his hand and sticks it under the line of fire then throws it in the riggers face.
Of course it's a fight but it gets broken up. Now another Faller is taking a piss then Faller Tom said "what's so bad about it" as he puts both of his hands underneath and washes his face..lol
I'm grabbing my last few thing out of my room ready to gear up in the dry room this morning and the fight is on a couple of rooms down. I guess that rigger stole the fallers beer from his room to Pay him back for the piss in the face. The Faller gets to go to another job in place of another Faller that was going from here tonight anyhow. The rigger can't be here either. That's what you get for 'hanging out' with a bunch of retard fallers.
Speaking of piss story's.
Shift change never disappoints around here. Last night Buddy hangs it out and other Faller cups his hand and sticks it under the line of fire then throws it in the riggers face.
Of course it's a fight but it gets broken up. Now another Faller is taking a piss then Faller Tom said "what's so bad about it" as he puts both of his hands underneath and washes his face..lol
I'm grabbing my last few thing out of my room ready to gear up in the dry room this morning and the fight is on a couple of rooms down. I guess that rigger stole the fallers beer from his room to Pay him back for the piss in the face. The Faller gets to go to another job in place of another Faller that was going from here tonight anyhow. The rigger can't be here either. That's what you get for 'hanging out' with a bunch of retard fallers.

that's just ****'n sick :dizzy: worst story i ever heard in camp other then yours was this one guy who pissed in juice jugs. shift change day the barge staff tidied up the room but left those jugs. other faller went in there and thinking it was gatorade took a big swig of it. he was pissed!!! LOL glad it wasn't me cause someone would have had to die for that. i wouldn't have been that stupid though. he must have been real hurt'n for a drink.
Yuck! I was hoping I was going to the conventional job from here but it looks like I'm staying on heli for now. Fogged out on my last day of last shift and my first day back. They are taking that old float barge out and bringing in the Helifor barge which Sibola is cutting for. look at that thing! Rats won't even live on that thing because they wouldn't want their buddies to find out that's where they live. There is grass and trees growing out of the deck. Sibola will be here for all year. They have 100,000 metres here. I was just talking to Lorne yesterday at the saw shop and at coal harbour. You should give Lorne a call or text/ email. If they have all that heli, they will need trainees. You don't want to go to the east side of the Island cutting Fir. It really dosen't count for experience. You can cut it for 20 yrs and you still don't know anything. They are in nice wood too. Rippers
Yuck! I was hoping I was going to the conventional job from here but it looks like I'm staying on heli for now. Fogged out on my last day of last shift and my first day back. They are taking that old float barge out and bringing in the Helifor barge which Sibola is cutting for. look at that thing! Rats won't even live on that thing because they wouldn't want their buddies to find out that's where they live. There is grass and trees growing out of the deck. Sibola will be here for all year. They have 100,000 metres here. I was just talking to Lorne yesterday at the saw shop and at coal harbour. You should give Lorne a call or text/ email. If they have all that heli, they will need trainees. You don't want to go to the east side of the Island cutting Fir. It really dosen't count for experience. You can cut it for 20 yrs and you still don't know anything. They are in nice wood too. Rippers
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i've got Lornes number and will shoot him a text in a few days. currently got another gig i'm trying to get in on though and wanna wait a few days to see before i go flying up to ocean falls. isn't that where you are right now? how long is the flight from coal harbour? i would love to fall some fur. been in nothing but cedar, hemlock, and balsam on ground where you can spit from the top and have it land in the ocean lol. everything brushy as all hell and covered in moss.
It's just over an hour to Central coast. That where I am yes

how big is the plane. must be of decent size to fly all the guys up. many bringing grinders to camp? think i would just run round for my first shift as to not bring my grinder for nothing and have it sit in the truck whole shift because the plane didn't have room. what hospital are you guys using for emergency?
no just to work..lol
Yes we were but moisture caused a sensor to go off today so we fired that helicopter and lost the days work because nobody would go first..haha. We now got this French A-star which are beautiful machines.
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looks like it's pissing up there! send some of it down here. were drying up. i like the A Stars for the room. the 500 is pretty slick for logging though. never been in a 206. Sibola must be running a 500 if they're doing a helifor job. you guys marshal right off that dock? convenient! my buddy is doing some heli right now and he has to boat to shore in the AM and then drive in a crummy a couple k to get to the marshaling area.
Yeah they got the Helifor 500
White & red one but we all used the 206 for a while. The 206 isn't very practical as it only takes three workers at a time. Instead of four and 1/3 more pad drops plus short cycles.