Maddog files are made in Switzerland ,
thus made by Vallobre.
It would be interesting if someone could compare them versus the Vallorbe 2nd Cut ( MDX ). I'm betting that they are the exact same files .
Europe has three major file factories.
All the files made in Switzerland are made by Vallorbe ,the ones made in Germany are made in Pferd factory and
the ones made in Portugal are manufactured by Bahco-Sandvik
( like the older Oregon files ).
I dont have a Vallorbe on hand. But I can take a pic of maddog in 5/32 13/64 7/32 I think I have all of those still on hand.
Tell me how to get the good close up pic like you show?
Pic of a saveedge compared to that crap black widow. DO NOT buy those POS files. Black one was the pos BW and think the right one was save edge. Other was a used file in fine I cant recall anymore.