I got a call to estimate a fuel reduction around a home on a wooded property.
Seventy large firs within fifty feet of the house and garage. They wanted to "limb them up a little to protect the house in a fire" I told them flat out that they didn't have a prayer in a fire, so unless they wanted to remove a lot of trees they should just enjoy them and pray a fire never came through.
They lived at the top of a narrow canyon, the whole mile below them was not maintained in any way, overloaded with trees and brush, standing dead, ladder fuels, it was nasty. Local FD told me they would not even send anyone into that canyon in the case of a fire, no escape.
They said they thought limbing up the trees should at least help. They were nice enough, both professors at the local college, so I helped them with a little math. Based on size, working off the estimated total weight of each tree, and we had 8,400,000,000 BTUs being released within fifty feet of the house in less than a half hour. I told them that was three railcar loads of propane. The husband turned white, the wife said "but they're trees, not propane, so don't they burn slower?" Before I had time to answer it hit her too, she turned white and said "That would be like hell, holy cow it would be like a kiln here!" I just said "Now you understand."
They elected to just enjoy the trees and I cut a nice trail up out of the canyon behind the house that they can drive the UTV on, this gives them a second way out. Now their fire mitigation plan is to run. They store valuables in a safe in town, and got a digital copy of family photos.
They have accepted reality, taken some reasonable precautions, and put their faith in insurance. Viva la trees!
Seventy large firs within fifty feet of the house and garage. They wanted to "limb them up a little to protect the house in a fire" I told them flat out that they didn't have a prayer in a fire, so unless they wanted to remove a lot of trees they should just enjoy them and pray a fire never came through.
They lived at the top of a narrow canyon, the whole mile below them was not maintained in any way, overloaded with trees and brush, standing dead, ladder fuels, it was nasty. Local FD told me they would not even send anyone into that canyon in the case of a fire, no escape.
They said they thought limbing up the trees should at least help. They were nice enough, both professors at the local college, so I helped them with a little math. Based on size, working off the estimated total weight of each tree, and we had 8,400,000,000 BTUs being released within fifty feet of the house in less than a half hour. I told them that was three railcar loads of propane. The husband turned white, the wife said "but they're trees, not propane, so don't they burn slower?" Before I had time to answer it hit her too, she turned white and said "That would be like hell, holy cow it would be like a kiln here!" I just said "Now you understand."
They elected to just enjoy the trees and I cut a nice trail up out of the canyon behind the house that they can drive the UTV on, this gives them a second way out. Now their fire mitigation plan is to run. They store valuables in a safe in town, and got a digital copy of family photos.
They have accepted reality, taken some reasonable precautions, and put their faith in insurance. Viva la trees!