Good article. Thanks. This has been in the news around here for quite awhile and a lot of people are following it.
It sure sheds a light on CalFire that they'd rather not have. I used to think that CalFire, screwed up as they are, wasn't really a bad outfit and I was surprised that they resorted to this kind of skullduggery. I was were a lot of people. CalFire's upper management is responsible for this mess and I hope they hang them out to dry.
Sierra Pacific is pissed off and they have every right to be. Sure, they're a big company with deep pockets but that doesn't mean that they're required to be a cash cow for a bunch of greedy bureaucrats.
The only discrepancy I saw in the article was the inference that SPI owned the dozer that started the fire. It was owned by a contract logger. The logger had a fire watchman the day the fire started but he'd gone into town for a soda.