Why in the world would anyone carry a gun in their pocket on a brush fire?
This was my first question. Even the EDC crowd generally know not to mix fire and firearms.
Why in the world would anyone carry a gun in their pocket on a brush fire?
Reads to me like they are rolling the dice and hoping to save money if the demand for tankers is low. Since climate change/global warming predicting more fires is Chinese propaganda, I'm sure this will turn out to be a very good bet.
Fs needs money
Cant be spendin it on air planes
I guess we'll see what happens when more expensive subdivisions that never should have been built where they are burn and the communities flip out because "somebody should have done something". How come it's always the feds' fault and never the counties'?
There are several large sales being researched here abouts, but they are trying to appease the public, get needed road work done, and make money... all 3 won't happen, the road work is too much for the loggers to make money on, and the timber is nice enough, but its all thins on difficult ground, meanwhile the roads have to stay open for the public to access... public meaning in my book tree huggers, that may or may not be inclined to sabotage logging equipment parked over the weekend...Would be nice if they had timber to sell
oh wait
It's a vicious circle. Time to revisit the ESA, I think. All laws should be revisable. Opinion shouldn't drive policy.