I'm kind of in the same boat as the OP, in that I sell firewood "part time". I have sold my wood by the truckload for $100 and started with only a couple of chainsaws, small trailer, Toyota truck and a Troybuilt splitter from Lowes. I originally bought this set up just to cut wood for my cabin, but ended up getting regular offers of free oak wood from neighbors. The wood began piling up around the yard etc... so I put some in the back of my truck, took a picture and posted it online. 20 minutes later i was delivering it for cash money. Got home and did that 8 more times over the next week. No stacking, just dumped in the street, or in their driveway using a gravel rake to assist in getting it all out. Over the past 6 years, this is how I've paid for all my out of state deer / antelope tags for our annual Wyoming hunt. I already have 4+ cords of green oak cut and split for next season (2016) and another 3+ dry for this September's sale to pay for this years tags. I wouldn't want to do this for a living, as it is hard work and actually low pay for all the effort. My "business" is strictly cash, tax free and more of an exercise hobby that I use to pay for extras like hunting tags. I'm having a fun time with it, but it sure hurts the next day or so after all the bending during splitting and stacking.