I cut/split/store a LOT of oak. White, Pin and Red. Some things I learned:
1) Storing it on the tarp will only allow the water to collect on the tarp, even if it's covered.
2) Rounds will not dry.
3) You need 2 years of drying to season Oak
4) When the Oak is split, remove the bark as soon as you can, those pieces with the bark won't dry as fast as the ones without the bark.
5) It won't season worth a hoot here in Indiana if I don't keep the sides open, up off the ground and a roof over the top of the wood to keep the rain/snow/heavy dew off of it.
6) If I am splitting White or Pin Oak, the splitter gets fired up right away. If the Red Oak is good, then it's possible to use a maul and wedges. When I was younger I listened to my dad and only used a maul or wedges. Then when I got older and dad had a bunch of wood to split he asked me to come over to help. I did and rented a hydraulic splitter. We knocked out in <2 hours what it would have taken him all day + some the next day to split. When we were done he said "I wish I would have use one sooner, I would have thrown the maul and wedges away years ago."