Am I to assume you guys are of the mind that water would cause corrosion in this application?
Just wondering
Archie I have tried a few different things and this works good for me....
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Am I to assume you guys are of the mind that water would cause corrosion in this application?
Just wondering
I use a solution of 50:1 (seafoam:amsoil) in mine and it seems to work flawlessly.
To each their own
There are many things that can be used for many different applications.
To me using a liquid that is formulated to form vapor easily and is highly flammable in a non hooded and rated ultrasonic cleaner is a little too risky.
Interesting article about gasolines and their additive packages. You might also check out the link near the end of the article.
The plot thins...
What link?
This one?
I put some Seafoam in the truck at the beginning of this thread, its clearly doing something.
Take a little peek at where the stuff originaly started from.For removing carb varnish I havent found anything that works better than Berryman's carb dip.
I tried it several years ago in my old beater truck, didnt notice any difference, but that truck had issues. Yall got me interested. Im gonna try it in my truck, and my older saws. I'll post back after doing this.