Tree Freak
Sorry if rude and impolite ... .
Fiskars to my knowledge are "hobby" axes ... .
Gränsfors are lethal wood chopping weapons - their
price difference in Sweden if shopped clever is small
- but their difference in performance vast ... .
Gränsfors are individually blacksmith made by the
way - despite their not so much heavier price tag ... .
Edit: If you buy Fiskars in US it is most likely a PR
coup based on unclear but useful in PR advantages
with Scandinavian origin etc - they are at most aver-
age in performance though - there have been wood
shopping axe polls i the Swedish version of this forum
and I do not think I saw a simple metioning of Fiskars
whatsoever - and rightly so - just look at them by they
way and you realize that it is something that you can
get for free if bying 5 Big Mac menues.
Good luck
Have you actually tried one? Here the gransfors is around 3 times as expensive..is it three times the splitting axe? I am sure they are very nice, but or 40 to 50 bucks here they are MUCH better in the round compared to what we have at hardware stores or splitting mauls.