Well---this is going to start a debate, maybe. I've been a vegetarian since I was 25, still eating some cheese products and the occasional egg. I went vegan at 39, swearing off all animal products. I look at my old friends and some of them are still in good shape, and they eat animal products but little red meat. I felt better giving up meat. I have moral objections to the taking of animal lives, to provide us with food, when it is just not necessary. I also think I know that meat is not healthy, at least for me. I never felt good after chowing down on a steak or burger, even in my carnivorous days. I'm not preachy, so I'm not out to convert everyone to vegetarianism/veganism. If it feels good for you, great. If not, just keep on keeping on.
As I type this I'm fighting a raging head cold with a 102 fever, no cough. I worked in the rain, today, doing a ground cover scalp-out and mulch job around a big Live Oak. Seeing as how I came down with this crap yesterday afternoon, I felt I would feel better working, today. Usually, I find that laying in bed prolongs any illness. I get a cold maybe once a year and always push through it. If my fever doesn't break, I may just have to pack myself in ice. Woohoo!
OK, OK, all you jokers, let's hear it: "Hey SG, you need to down a thick, bloody steak. You'll feel better in no time at all!" Ha-ha-----
As soon as I start to feel sick I take echinacea and it has kept me out of colds and flu for about 8 years now. Once you get real sick I don't think it works so well though.
This is not a widely accepted hypothesis, but it would explain why some do so well as vegetarians and others require meat. Check your blood type profile and see if it fits.
Sylvia and I are entirely different in our diets. I am Type O, can virtually live off of red meat and feel fantastic. Sylvia is Type A and does much better primarily on grains and vegetables.
This all makes sense to me and would explain a lot of the discrepancies in what works for some and not for others.
This is not a widely accepted hypothesis, but it would explain why some do so well as vegetarians and others require meat. Check your blood type profile and see if it fits.
Sylvia and I are entirely different in our diets. I am Type O, can virtually live off of red meat and feel fantastic. Sylvia is Type A and does much better primarily on grains and vegetables.
This all makes sense to me and would explain a lot of the discrepancies in what works for some and not for others.
By the way, I am type O, and I don't match very many of the theories predictions.
32 years old, 5' 8", 195 lbs. Have been lifting on and off for 11 years, more intensely in the past five. Played semi-pro football in 07, so I wanted to bulk up...in the process I got addicted to heavier and heavier routines...got stuck in a rut until my left shoulder, knees and back continuously hurt, (does not help that I was a timber faller for 12 years and had a lot of wrecks that tore up my body) so I finally decided to throw my ego out the window and start over. Now using lighter weights, and getting a lot more cardio (only with weight training, as I hate running) Right now I am alternating these two workouts, 3 days a week: Workout 1 is a superset workout which consists of: 3 sets of 6-8 reps of bench press, and reverse bench press with little rest between sets, the next superset is 3 sets of 4-6 reps performed all together with no rest, (except between sets)...deadlift, hang clean, military press, and front squat; Then if I have enough time, a superset of 3 sets of 8-10 reps of 45 degree dumbbell butterflies, followed by 3 sets of 8-10 reps of 45 degree prone reverse dumbell flies; followed by my last superset of 3 sets of 8-10 reps of 45 degree supinated seated dumbbell bicep curls immediately followed by 45 degree seated cross-body unilateral dumbbell extensions. I always end with 3 sets of 8-15 reps of standing sideways external rotations to help strengthen my rotator cuffs.
Workout two is the "300" workout:
a) Pullups - 25 reps
b) Deadlifts with 135lbs - 50 reps
c) Pushups - 50 reps
d) 24-inch Box jumps - 50 reps
e) Floor wipers - 50 reps
f) Single-arm Clean-and-Press with 36lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps
g) Pullups - 25 reps
All exercises are done without scheduled rest between moves.
This was originally designed as a test to see how the actors in the movie were progressing, but obviously it can be designed as a workout (working it in sets). My time is 33 minutes for 300 reps, and is improving every time i do it. So far the only exersizes that I have performed with no rest are the 50 deadlifts, 50 pushups, and the 50 single-arm clean and presses, but I always need a short rest between exersizes. It is intense, and always leaves me winded and very tired.
Anyhow, one week I will perform workout 1 on Monday and Friday, and workout 2 on Wednesday. The next week I perform workout 2 on Monday and Friday and workout 1 on wednesday. I am not very disciplined with my dietbut I try to eat a lot of lean protein especially after a workout, I also supplement some with creatine (cellmass) and protein powder (muscle milk) Sorry for the long post...I get all fired up when it comes to working out
Great workout Cody, now I don't feel so neurotic on this thread. Could you just imagine the workouts of the top UFC fighters?
By the way...what are reverse bench presses and reverse flys (lateral raises?)?
Yeah those UFC guys are tough!
Here is a picture of what is called a reverse pushup, but I do it with a backpack with a weight plate in it.
these are the reverse flies:
I'm 38, 14 years in U.S.M.C., I teach Judo at Miletich Fighting System's in Bettendorf. Heniated c6-7, 2 tore Rotator Cusp's, Both arms have braceal nerve damage! I feel grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!............................NOT, barley move in the A.M., This life has been rough on the body so take care of it!
First rule of Zombieland, CARDIO