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How about a little Van Morrison to help get through the pain of a workout?
I could never get into working out. Could never get into working for nothing. I understand it if you are an office guy, but if you are a climber, or work construction etc, just do your job, work harder. I have worked with people that worked out, never been too impressed. Work ain't a gym, to many variables. But it if makes you feel good, thats great.
I could never get into working out.
Doesn't ANYBODY lift weights? I have been lifting since I was 17 and still feel weird if not lifting. I have cut back substantially but still do a split routine with 2 days on and one off. Chest and shoulders and back on one day and arms and legs on the next. All exercises are done in opposites with, for example, one set of presses and lat pull downs or pullups ....leg extensions./leg curls....curls/tri extensions....bench press/rowing, etc. etc.
I hook my ascentree up to the lat machine and also have a tricep extension rope that I use on there too to simulate climbing.
I get paid to workout.Step away from the bucket truck, ditch that fat mans ascender(wraptor )and start climbing.
Guess you got me pegged Woody. I will discard my 2 bucket trucks that I earned from 40 years of climbing, throw away my climbing gear and start shimmying up every tree just like you....and likely become poor....just like you.
You wanted to lose a few pounds and build more muscle. My advice was to climb with out the aid of machines. Shimmying up trees is major part of tree work and it come with the added bonus of staying in shape. No need for insults. I bet back in the day you were one heck of a tree climber.
uh oh..... this is going down hill fast. Easy Guys..... Mike
I agree. But I find it ironic when a guy wants to get in shape yet rides a wraptor and a bucket. It's not that complicated just climb a little more maybe even drag some brush. We are lucky that our job provides adrenaline, a total body workout and pays well . Its up to you to take advantage of it. might want to take advantage of the opportunity this job provides you to support your family.
I am into production. Plenty of opportunity to be the climber even after you have made substantially more with the bucket and yes...the wraptor.
How old are you Woody? How long you been in the biz? Easy to find that info about me.