Forum Update - Love it or Hate it .....??

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Well ....??

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Looks more sophisticated...and looks like there are things to explore. On the minus side I miss the "user CP" function where I could just go and see whats up quickly with my subscribed posts...less hunting around.

Hmm, I never subscribe to threads. :hmm3grin2orange:
Nah, I rather like the change very much. :D

Hit a soft spot did I??

Nope,missed the soft spot,close tho,bout a 1/2 inch off,you would feel nice and warm there if you did get in :) the next passing of gass would have cleared you out tho ,then you could discuss with space the area you both have in common..
the waste people let out that has no longer a use..
30 yrs old and wanting to "retire" ?? let the "wife" support you ?? heck of a profile you put up,explains a lot about the lack of being able to contibute anything worthwhile..saying it in your own words.. :)
be interesting to see if before anybody else can read your profile if you change it..
Well I was going to say something nice. There are a bunch of 'new forum' threads, and I will try to follow one, as it could be a full time job.

I was going to say that it was nice to see a familiar face when I repped someone - the "Thanks for adding reputation to this user. May you be lucky enough to receive the same Reputation back in turn. OK" window appeared! In the old format!

I took a screen shot to share it, but was unable to add it using the 'Manage Attachments' tool. May be a temporary glitch (?)

But, the 'Manage Attachments' tool does have a cool new feature - it shows you all of your old attachments, even showing thumbnails for 'gif' and 'png' formatted pictures (but not jpeg). I always wondered where those things lived and if they were linked to my account.

Don't feel like I can clean any out though - would probably screw up old posts. But it means that I can re-use them in new posts (any Rewards points for attaching photos?).


View attachment 166203 OK - got it to work! (sort of)
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Nope,missed the soft spot,close tho,bout a 1/2 inch off,you would feel nice and warm there if you did get in :) the next passing of gass would have cleared you out tho ,then you could discuss with space the area you both have in common..
the waste people let out that has no longer a use..
30 yrs old and wanting to "retire" ?? let the "wife" support you ?? heck of a profile you put up,explains a lot about the lack of being able to contibute anything worthwhile..saying it in your own words.. :)
be interesting to see if before anybody else can read your profile if you change it..

I get comments like this a lot from those who wish their lives were as good as mine.

Your envy is flattering. Maybe with a little hard work you could be where my wife and I are in life right now too. :)
This is terrible. You get used to how it is, nothing wrong with the way it worked before and bam, THEY CHANGE IT ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get comments like this a lot from those who wish their lives were as good as mine.

Your envy is flattering. Maybe with a little hard work you could be where my wife and I are in life right now too. :)

If you read envy instead of pitty your outlook is more disturbed than i thought..
Most men dont consider sucking the life out of what thier wife has done an accomplisment they can take credit have now shown that you connot contribute to your own well being ,you cannot contribute anything worthwhile to the chainsaw forum..
your insinuation that your life is so good shows your immaturity..
while my OL's financial adviser tells her she needs to spend MORE money to avoid taxes because her income is that high ( and she is retired ) i wont let her spend anything on me..
my income comes from YOU,thank you very much..i did MORE than a little hard work..with %100 health care,%100 tax free income every month ,,%100 off property taxes,, etc...thank you ..
go and make your car payments,go and pay your income tax ( thank you ) , go and pay your mortgage, ( i have none of those ) , then tell my why i wish my life was as good as yours ??
LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wouldnt WANT to be where you are at right now !!!
smarten up kid,cut the crap and grow up... grow into a man..
this is a chainsaw forum in case you didnt notice..
I get comments like this a lot from those who wish their lives were as good as mine.

Your envy is flattering. Maybe with a little hard work you could be where my wife and I are in life right now too. :)

Dont sweat it mang! My wife is a pharmacist too. I watch the baby full time, and am dang proud of it too. One of the hardest things and by far the most rewarding things Ive ever done too. Point is, they do make a lot a jack, and you dang well could retire if you wanted too! Ive seen enough to know that if your happy with it thats all that matters. And my God, I do know the sacrifice it takes to get where you are, not only for the wife but for you too. I mean, how the heck did they get through school anyhow? that 100 grand to get them through didnt appear out of thin air.....
If you read envy instead of pitty your outlook is more disturbed than i thought..
Most men dont consider sucking the life out of what thier wife has done an accomplisment they can take credit have now shown that you connot contribute to your own well being ,you cannot contribute anything worthwhile to the chainsaw forum..
your insinuation that your life is so good shows your immaturity..
while my OL's financial adviser tells her she needs to spend MORE money to avoid taxes because her income is that high ( and she is retired ) i wont let her spend anything on me..
my income comes from YOU,thank you very much..i did MORE than a little hard work..with %100 health care,%100 tax free income every month ,,%100 off property taxes,, etc...thank you ..
go and make your car payments,go and pay your income tax ( thank you ) , go and pay your mortgage, ( i have none of those ) , then tell my why i wish my life was as good as yours ??
LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wouldnt WANT to be where you are at right now !!!
smarten up kid,cut the crap and grow up... grow into a man..
this is a chainsaw forum in case you didnt notice..

For calling me out on wanting attention, you certainly are feeding it more than anyone else. I think you like me a lot more than you're letting on. ;)

I suggest you use the block feature so you don't further your obsessive complexity with me. I'm pretty sure you won't be the first and only to block me anyways. If I had to guess I'd say other members are blocking me all the time. ;)

Oh and I am aware that this is a chainsaw forum. I like chainsaws, that's why I'm here. If we're ever at a GTG together I'll let ya run my 681, it' a freakin' hoss. :)

Once again, your envy is by far the most flattering I have ever encountered. You mean a lot more to me in more ways than you could imagine. :heart:
Dont sweat it mang! My wife is a pharmacist too. I watch the baby full time, and am dang proud of it too. One of the hardest things and by far the most rewarding things Ive ever done too. Point is, they do make a lot a jack, and you dang well could retire if you wanted too! Ive seen enough to know that if your happy with it thats all that matters. And my God, I do know the sacrifice it takes to get where you are, not only for the wife but for you too. I mean, how the heck did they get through school anyhow? that 100 grand to get them through didnt appear out of thin air.....

It's a hell of an accomplishment which both the wife and I are very fortunate to be a part of. I appreciate the acknowledgment Paul, as you share the same fortune with your wife as well. :)

Yeah it ain't a cheap ordeal but it's definitely worth the hassle for sure! :cheers:
Dont sweat it mang! My wife is a pharmacist too. I watch the baby full time, and am dang proud of it too. One of the hardest things and by far the most rewarding things Ive ever done too. Point is, they do make a lot a jack, and you dang well could retire if you wanted too! Ive seen enough to know that if your happy with it thats all that matters. And my God, I do know the sacrifice it takes to get where you are, not only for the wife but for you too. I mean, how the heck did they get through school anyhow? that 100 grand to get them through didnt appear out of thin air.....

Hey Mang,dont sweat it !!
Look,,if your woman happens to be smarter than you,have more ambition than you,is willing to work harder than you,take care of you and the family,let you be the daddy/mom,,enjoy it !! .aint nothing wrong with being a kept sperm donor..
hope you are a good cook and good with diapers !!cause you going to be eating it the rest of your life !!
Hey Mang,dont sweat it !!
Look,,if your woman happens to be smarter than you,have more ambition than you,is willing to work harder than you,take care of you and the family,let you be the daddy/mom,,enjoy it !! .aint nothing wrong with being a kept sperm donor..
hope you are a good cook and good with diapers !!cause you going to be eating it the rest of your life !!

I didnt say anything to you, but I swear if i ever see you at a gtg, I will stomp a mudhole in that candy azz of yours........Believe it!
I get comments like this a lot from those who wish their lives were as good as mine.

Your envy is flattering. Maybe with a little hard work you could be where my wife and I are in life right now too. :)
I have no idea if your right or not, as I don't know you or your wife. OTOH, you don't know me or my wife...:hmm3grin2orange:

Funny thing, and I will tell you this is the honest truth...but take it with a grain of salt.

I think the colors are horrid. Another woodworking site <cough> upgraded their vbulletin software and I quit using the site. It wasn't really that the colors/software were that bad, it was just that along with the fact that many of the members were a bunch of wienies with no balls anyway, it made it too much effort on my part to learn the new software and/or put up with the colors.

After making a few posts, honestly, it's the same $#!T warmed up on a piece of toast (i.e., $#!T on a shingle). The point is you post messages, upload some pics, tell space mule what a puke he is, and head back to the index. Me thinks it's the same $#!T warmed up on a piece of toast as 100s of other internet forums.

Those colors are really fugly though...:ices_rofl:
For calling me out on wanting attention, you certainly are feeding it more than anyone else. I think you like me a lot more than you're letting on. ;)

I suggest you use the block feature so you don't further your obsessive complexity with me. I'm pretty sure you won't be the first and only to block me anyways. If I had to guess I'd say other members are blocking me all the time. ;)

Oh and I am aware that this is a chainsaw forum. I like chainsaws, that's why I'm here. If we're ever at a GTG together I'll let ya run my 681, it' a freakin' hoss. :)

Once again, your envy is by far the most flattering I have ever encountered. You mean a lot more to me in more ways than you could imagine. :heart:

Well i never did say i "did not " like you did i ?? or is that one of your many wrong and twisted observations ?
please,enjoy the flattery,,if that is what you call any attention you can get..i dont mind,i help "challenged" people all the time,they enjoy it also....i'll feed you all you want,,i enjoy helping the handicapped..if your spouse isnt there to to support you i can do what i can to make you feel like you have a set those things that make you feel like a man that you probly have lost :) sorry but i cant help with the dirty diaper changing thing,,you will have to find another girly man for that..
you know you CAN get a GED now that is an equivelant of a high schooll diploma..maybe you can go and do something on your own ?? tell her you are tired of being on the BOTTOM all the time and you want to get on TOP for a change !!!!!!!
LOL !!!
the new forum still sucks i dont care man what you say..
have a good evening..
Well i never did say i "did not " like you did i ?? or is that one of your many wrong and twisted observations ?
please,enjoy the flattery,,if that is what you call any attention you can get..i dont mind,i help "challenged" people all the time,they enjoy it also....i'll feed you all you want,,i enjoy helping the handicapped..if your spouse isnt there to to support you i can do what i can to make you feel like you have a set those things that make you feel like a man that you probly have lost :) sorry but i cant help with the dirty diaper changing thing,,you will have to find another girly man for that..
you know you CAN get a GED now that is an equivelant of a high schooll diploma..maybe you can go and do something on your own ?? tell her you are tired of being on the BOTTOM all the time and you want to get on TOP for a change !!!!!!!
LOL !!!
the new forum still sucks i dont care man what you say..
have a good evening..

Well I appreciate your support. With the wife working every day it is hard having emotional support and I appreciate you being there while she is not so you can fill that void.

And for the record, I don't recall suggesting that you don't like me - I recall suggesting you block me to keep your obsession with me toned down. Even though I do appreciate the passive aggressive public affection, it isn't necessary. But if you want to tell the world of our relationship and reach your arms to the sky and yell to the clouds about how much you love me, that's okay by me. AS could use a little more love these days anyways and I'm flattered by your feelings for me.

I hope our bromance can sprout into a big beautiful flower which we both drink the nectar from.

Have a wonderful night yourself pumpkin. I love you. :heart:

Dude - hold control and hit the "+" button until the screen is big enough. If it's too big hold control again and pres the "-" button. It toggles the size of the screen. :)