Originally posted by Guy Meilleur
Minutes add up, time is $.
Originally posted by Guy Meilleur
Rich, mb is not alone and has no clone. Conformism is un-
American; it's for lemmings and losers.
Everything, starting...where? First brain buckets, next chaps, next maybe full-body armor. Taking an extra 20 minutes to set a rope above a ladder instead of just climbing the darn thing like painters and roofers and other unskilled technicians? If you can't climb a ladder with confidence, then ya gotta flip every time.. NOnsense, imho.Originally posted by John Paul Sanborn
If I remember right, unsecured climbing ranks higher in cause of death then electrical contact.
How many of these climbing fatalities are homeowners or kids? Where do these stats come from?
Yes there are exceptions to rules, ANSI will allow free climbing if it is safer then not.
Given the choice to follow ANSI or to go along with what the majority conforms to as politically correct at the moment, I'll follow ANSI. The industry standards count more than arbitrary pronouncements.
John Ball also defined the " fail safe " concept. It does not mean that it is safe from failure, but that in the case of failure you have a high probability of being safe.
Reminders like tying in twice when chainsawing in tree are good developments that improve my confidence and hence my skill.
Why would you not want to do everything you can to beat the odds?
Originally posted by Guy Meilleur
Everything, starting...where? First brain buckets, next chaps, next maybe full-body armor. Taking an extra 20 minutes to set a rope above a ladder instead of just climbing the darn thing like painters and roofers and other unskilled technicians? If you can't climb a ladder with confidence, then ya gotta flip every time.. NOnsense, imho.
We each take steps to increase safety according to our abilities and experience. Just because something works for you does not mean it will work for all.
Originally posted by netree
Why do these threads always have to turn into tit-for-fat, swinging-dick pi$$ing contests?
What, Rich indulge in a dig?? Naaahh, never happen.:angel:Originally posted by Rich Hoffman
MB, this is not a dig on you in any way, I am curious if you wear any kind of head protection?
Originally posted by Lumberjack
On some trees that I am trimming I free climb to the top and set my rope, then rapel down and start working...
ANSI 2) states that only when branches are too thick to advance a lanyard or rope is freeclimbing acceptable. There is a little room for interpretation on what's possible, but overall it's a no-no.Originally posted by TREETX
By bragging, I meant freely advertising your stupidity.