I disagree. . . I can stack two piles of wood together, each measuring 4'X4'X8'. . . One with larger air gaps than the other, and one will contain more wood than the larger gapped pile.
It doesn't matter one whit how you or anybody else can stack. Nor does it matter what a customer expects. A cord is a legally defined measurement which includes air spaces. Yes, it's an imperfect measure, because there IS no perfect measure. However, imperfect as it is, the
fact remains, the legal definition includes air spaces, NOT just solid wood.
not a matter of opinion, it's
not open to interpretation, and it's
not open to argument, any more than the definitions of mile, gallon, degrees Centigrade or any other standard measurement are matters of opinion or open to argument or interpretation.
EDIT: Metals, that came across pretty harsh, and I didn't mean it that way. For that I apologize. I just get frustrated with this same old nonsense. "Face" cords and "ricks" and endless debates about what a cord is, when it's a well-established, legally defined unit of measure.