Fuel Prices In Your Locale?

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I've seen it this week for $4.54 in Seattle (diesel). Today I got a reactor tank for my biodiesel processor being assembled in my shop as we speak. Within the next two weeks I plan to be burning waste vegetable oil (used fryer grease) converted into biodiesel for about .62 cents a gallon. Did a ton of homework and this is BY FAR the way to go! Brace yourselves boys, we're projected to be over $5.00/gallon before the year's out!!

Yes, but where are you going to get that much vegetable oil? Around here, it's already snapped up by the companies that recycle it.
Yes, but where are you going to get that much vegetable oil? Around here, it's already snapped up by the companies that recycle it

I only burn about 20-30 gallons per week working part-time, my fulltime job is stay-at-home dad during which I drive an efficent gasser. I've spoken with a few restaurants in my area and 2 out of 3 of them loved the idea of getting rid of their oil without paying a rendering company. Interestingly, none of them were 'discovered' by a biodiesel homebrewer...this concept is in an embryonic stage even in this progressive city...I'm hoping to soon have no use for middle east oil or it's costs.
Here in Old Town, ME it's $3.54/gal for regular and $4.35/gal for diesel. It's within $0.15 across most of the state for both gas and diesel.
Here in Bermuda fantasy land, diesel is today $7.03 a gallon and gasoline a bit more....

BEAT THAT!:jawdrop:

I wish it were a dollar that would be more in line with wages! Anyone notice that the color of diesel seems to be a little like gold? I just filled my stumper and dodge 3500 4+4 took 160.00 man this sucks:cry:
it's up again here.

my friends have to raise the price ten cents tonight.new load coming in and they can't lose any more money.

it's 3.69 today.the mobil in the south end of town had premium for 4.09 today.good times ahead! thanks big brother!
The bad thing is it just me or do people seem to expect work done cheaper? I guess they are trying to get best deal but, it is always the ones that live in a 15000 square foot house that don't want to pay chit!
Lincolnshire in England the fuel is £1.18 litre Diesel £1.14 litre unleaded 4.546 litres to british gallon £5.36 or $10.67
deisel my 3.5 tonne transit is costing me magga bucks to fill up.
time to buy a petrol and gas conversion me thinks :monkey: