Pulling the grinder out from under the workbench after a couple years hiatus and a quick check of the thread to see what's new.
Using page #s for references is not the best way to do it; this is because you can have different numbers of posts per page. For example, the default is 15 posts per page but I use 100. If you have a fast internet connection and a hatred of clicking the mouse, you might want to bump up the posts per page. It's in the settings (top-right of every page when you're logged in; then, near the bottom; don't forget to click save if you change it). Anyways...
I added post #s to the excellent summary of mods table. Plus added some mods that aren't in the table. A couple mods have multiple posts discussing them, as noted.
- Post 615 also talks about sharpie marking your own angles (or the correct angles) on the scale. Obvious, but worth pointing out because on mine, the scale was (way) off as well.
- Post 697 also talks about adding flat washers underneath the cupped washer to improve the clamping force.
- Post 692 talks about using hot glue to fix the vise shims, adjustable chain rail spacers and a chain stop modification (that would be nice to have a pic of).
- Posts 728 and 741 are another example of cleaning up the base, albeit on the Poulan version. :msp_tongue: I can say that Harbor Freight cable ties work just as well.
- Post 790 shows using a magnet to catch grinding dust. Useful.
- Also, post #1 in the
Northern Hyd Grinder, making it work (pics) thread is another good overview of the swivel base and chain stop mods.
Another mod seen in other threads is using a small bungee to limit the motor arm's upward travel. This might be better than the bolt stop method since it will put less stress on the motor arm pivot because it's a softer stop method. I also experimented with pieces of foam and rubber in the hinge but never came up with anything satisfactory.