ArboristSite Lurker
2005 Mazda3
2005 Mazda3
first, do not put in you car, it may gum up the catalytic converter. Second, like many have said here, It it has been kept with the lid on in a dry spot it will be fine for well more than 3 weeks. Finally if you are using good 2 stroke oil then it should have stabilizers in the oil. Im sure everyone here has started saws for people that have not used them in over a year and they generally fire right up and run fine. I swear the dealers put this stuff out half the time to sell more oil.
All the gas we get around here is 10% blend (not sure where Brandon is getting non ethanol gas, but Id like to know!)
first, do not put in you car, it may gum up the catalytic converter.
It is a federal law that it be posted on the pump when Ethonal is contained in the fuel being sold.
I'm just down the road from you, and virtually none of the gas in Detroit is 10%. Michigan state law requires it be labeled on the pump if it isn't pure gasoline, and here only the off-brand stuff (????go, etc.) is ethanol. Any Shell/BP/Amoco/Marathon/etc. is 100%. I'm surprised it's different up there, but then again, you're in the state capital, and nothing surprises me around ANY state legislature!
It's probably a little harder to move the 10% stuff down here, too, so it may be a market-driven thing. Most Detroiters won't touch gasohol with a barge pole. Your mileage suffers, your seals suffer, and it attracts water.
No thanks.
Interesting. I guess Im going to have to pay closer attention to the pump. I swear the Marathons and Speedways I get fuel from all have the 10% sticker on them. Ill have to check and report back.
Interesting. I guess Im going to have to pay closer attention to the pump. I swear the Marathons and Speedways I get fuel from all have the 10% sticker on them. Ill have to check and report back.
there are some gas stations in Virginia that have stickers about 1 inch long and posted about knee high. They are hard to see even if you are looking. (Not all stations, but some do)