Getting Gaffs

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ArboristSite Operative
Dec 24, 2004
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Fayetteville Georgia
Ok I am soon ordering myself a pair of the T2 titanium climbers, or that is what i'm planning. anyways question for you ppl that use gaffs often. are the T2 and velcro super wrap with no steel what i want? and i know i want offset but what are pros and cons of twisted/non and offset/non i dont wanna get a set then find out i need something different
T2's, no offset, utility points, super wrap wih steel insert. You will be a removal machine. :blob5:
ok good on the t2's.... no offset :confused: what about my ankle i like skin there...utility point :confused: i thought tree gaffs were longer because they go deeper and have to penetrate bark?....super wrap ok.....what exactly does the steel insert do or how is it shaped? also i should probably mention i am 6' 2'' and large calves 240lbs 85% pure muscle..... :eek: although since i have spent many years (except this one) in a gym i think getting in the tree should trim me down to 200-220 thats my ideal range not really sure if thats pertinent to choices in gaffs but i have been told "you are pretty big guy you may want twisted with legs like that"
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im still waiting for my carbon geckos to come, ive always climbed with buckinghams though and no complaints here
stephenbullman said:
im still waiting for my carbon geckos to come, ive always climbed with buckinghams though and no complaints here

oooooo i want some i think. what is the word on these?
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tinman44 said:
ok good on the t2's.... no offset :confused: what about my ankle i like skin there...utility point :confused: i thought tree gaffs were longer because they go deeper and have to penetrate bark?....super wrap ok.....what exactly does the steel insert do or how is it shaped? also i should probably mention i am 6' 2'' and large calves 240lbs 85% pure muscle..... :eek: although since i have spent many years (except this one) in a gym i think getting in the tree should trim me down to 200-220 thats my ideal range not really sure if thats pertinent to choices in gaffs but i have been told "you are pretty big guy you may want twisted with legs like that"
With your size penetrating bark wont be an issue with short/utility points, also your feet will be closer to the stem. This is much more stable. Go with short poiints if you have a lot of rough barked species, otherwise the utility points are better.Both are the same length, the short points are blunter. :alien:
thanks for your input everyone, going with t2 straight shank replaceable tree gaffs. only one last thing i'm curious about. the wrap around velcro straps and i assume the cinch pads are the way to go but about the steel insert? what does it accomplish and should i get it? i mean if it sucks can i remove it? i've heard ppl say they are uncomfortable but in retrospect wouldnt the non steel not feel as secure?
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xander9727 said:
Definately get the wraps with the steel inserts and don't gaff yourself!

Xander says this, but most people say the opposite.

The steel insert part, that is. He's quite correct about the not gaffing yourself part. :cool:
A couple of weeks ago I was talking with our lead climber. He is the one who does our big takedowns so he spends lots of time on gaffs. The company bought him a pair of Ti gaffs. He told me that he would rather have the steel gaffs with twisted shanks. The weight difference isn't that much but the comfort difference is priceless. Get the velcro wraps with the inserts. Save the Ti money for something else.

Personally, I've never climbed on the Ti's. I do have twisted shanks though with the inserts in the top pads. This setup is pretty comfy. To me, it's the best value for the dollar. I've put the Ti gaffs up to my leg and I don't like where the top is positioned. I can tell that it wouldn't be comfy.

The steel insert keeps the shank from moving around. You can't remove the insert. I prefer the inserts to the soft ones because of the support. I had to replace them a year ago because the padding was worn out. No big deal though. Somebody I know won a pair of the soft velcro pads a number of years ago. He kept them for a couple of years and then junked them for a different style.
That makes sense to me. If these cadillac pads don't work out, I'll definitely try the steel insert cinch wraps. Heck, it sounds like those are a cinch wraps virgin of the cadillac pads, anyway!
In my experience, the pads with the steel inserts are great as long as the pads are still thick enough. If the pads are shot though they hurt, as you can imagine. I think its mostly what you're used to. I have some Kleins with the loooong gaffs (for cottonwood, black locust etc) and the regular velcro and they do fine. Don't switch horses midstream. Unless your horse is dead.
KentuckySawyer said:
The pads with the steel inserts are great as long as the pads are still thick enough. If the pads are shot though they hurt, as you can imagine.

That's why I always wear some back-up.

The kneepads that I wear are Rollerblade brand with the plastic cups cut off. They have velcro wraps so that they can be taken off easily. I think the ones in the picture are slip-ons for volleyball or wrestling. They save my knees from injuries. A few years ago I had the bursa taken out of my left knee so there's little padding left inside.

At a conference a few years ago I suggested using knee pads. Then, the next fall I was in the local Husky dealer's shop and a fellow thanked me for the tip. He said that when he heard the suggestion at the conference he blew it off. Then, after thinking about the idea he tried it out. His knees felt much better. One of the guys he worked with teased him about being a lightweight wimp. But...a week or so later he had knee pads on too.
MasterBlaster said:
I disagree. Bigger climbers need longshanks, the smaller ones can get away with the shorties.
MB, why is that? It was a pretty big guy who talked me into shortpoints, though he said a guy should have two sets of spurs, long and shortpoints. I have both, very rarely do I use the longpoints even on rough bark trees. :umpkin:

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