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NO WEDGE on that pine Master??

Most pines seem well balanced to me...Did you climb it first??

Labour day public holiday here, so with a little time up my sleave i'll post another...

Mabey you could have another page....Poor Aussies, got to pay way to much for their gear...Then have to do this...

My other faveriot shot...I know you've all seen it but will save Butch shearching...

Gives a pretty good idea of the closeness to the 330Kv line i work with..

Titeled "tallandclose"...Enjoy..(i Did)...Derek..
ARRRH 30' 1/2" type wedge..NO WORRIES MATE...

You sure left a bit of work for the stump grinder guy...Mate of yours?...Or does he get paid by the hour,,,lol...

Anyway, had a look through w/explorer (can see pic and the name) i've got stacks of great shots....Just dont relize somtimes what an AWSOME job I have with the lines over here...

The only problem is the camera that was used, and the groundie that took them...allways close up zoom, not many showing the whole tree... Still good to look at though..

want more? Proberly not but im stubborn..

This is the first pic i posted on AS, I asked how others would climb it, not allowed a "bigshot" (powerlines), couldent get a bag that high...Got half way up ,pole strapping, got some rope support on the leader, then had to turn around and go up backwards...Pretty freeky at the time, i've done a few more since, not my fav way to climb but it gets it done...Note only one target on the whole tree, going straight for the line...

Dont try this at home...(unless your well insured )

Take care...Derek..
Now i'm useally getting shot for posting to big...
Can anyone see the last one??

Last one, just to show that its not all at height over here...I get a bit of ground work aswell....bye for now...Derek..
digital zoom generally sucks. its software enhanced zooming, gets really funky when you crank it up. Optical zoom is a good old fashioned lens moving to get you a better picture. My camera is 3 times optical and 3 times digital zoom is available making a 10 times zoom by the manufacturer baloney. I use the optical , dont use the digital. a decent picture even at 3 or 4 megapixels with a 3 to 5 times optical zoom will be pretty serviceable.
Thanx Paul, understood every word of it to..

Might as well get it right the first time, i'll go for the Optical zoom.
great advice..

The size appeled to me, I could stick it in my new gogogadget vest...Any one eles use/want one?, holds your phone and ya smokes,(spare lighter to) first aid kit (1/2 roll 2" silver tape and a breast pad),pocket wedge for the windy days (or bad judgment)

even holds a bar spanner and a tooth brush, for the odd "at height" clean out...The backpac was a bonus, i have a spare rope (8mm) with a three wrap prussic and light crab on it , ready to go..
( not hard to get tangeled in hangers, sending down a saw for gas or to swap it, Happened to me once..(fishing line saved a chopper from having to pick me up, but hours later)

PLUS it (the rope) balances the whole lot on your sholders, no forward pull...AWSOME toy...

No photos at all in the last 2 weeks, my new groundie has a real "dont want to be here" attitude to start with, and doesent enjoy it like i do...Asking him to take a photo , hughh, not a chance there!!

ill stick to "MY VEIW" photos (good lead in) a bit like this one!!

Enjoy the veiw? I sure did...Derek...

Here i'm looking at the third wire...about 50m high...
Shame i coudent see what i was attached to, till i got there...
the one above my rope would of been
nother one here boys,same tree just finishing off,note the phone wire,,,,,,and dopey groundsman ,,,not really good old boy he is ,started at 8 am 2 trees done and dusted by 2 30 pm,good job good day ,note the sun ,a rarity in these parts
why thankyou ,not all in the dark ages in sunny yorkshire,mind you running water and heating would be helpful,and some feed for my whippets,flat cap to keep the cold out ,and a few less hills and cobbles ,mind you ,musnt GRUMBLE,,,,,eh ,,,,:rolleyes: