Going back to work

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Being self employed

I am really wishing the economy would jump back up. LOL
I am overweight my product is not moving from the shelves.. Wait a minute I read that elsewhere. J/K
Seriously I have had a pretty good year up until December. It just came to a stand still.Even after running a radio ad that ran daily for the entire month at a cost of 400$. Without any return really bites.
But it usually dies off right around Christmas time and does not pick up til Feb.
We just cut back on spending and hang on for the ride and hope for the best.
My supplier is having a 3 day meeting this month. Sort of a Pump up their sales type deal.Will have people specializing in marketing there.They are going to be bringing someone on board to offer financing to our customers. But honestly in three years I have only had one client ask about financing. And they ended up getting a loan from their bank. I did have to deliver some quotes and such to the bank for the home owners.
Being self employed has a lot of benefits when business is good. But when it is slow and I am not making any money I often wonder if I should just go back to the carpenter job and make the steady money. But I slept in til 8 am today.. It felt kind of good.. But then again I am sleeping my life away...LOL
I used to be at work daily by 6 am. Now when I have an install to do.I am there at daylight to start the install.\
But yeah I am ready to go back to work ,anytime now Lord..
Back to work is staying home, with the kids. My wife was off for quite a bit, so I went off to work on two different projects; helping a guy finish his new house, and another project, a new manure digester to provide heat/electricity for a dairy farm.
Ah quit your #####ing I had Christmas day off, and New Years day off, that's it. You have to work the day before and the day after in order to get paid for the Holiday. Now when I get laid off in a few more weeks and have off until April then talk about being hard to get up at 6:00 in the morning again to go back to work. It takes about 2 weeks to readjust.
For some of us, going back to work means more time in front of the computer and on arboristsite :)

I was off Christmas and New Years Day, and left early Christmas eve and New Years eve. I hate wasting time off when it's cold and nasty out, I'd rather take time off in the Summer.
For some of us, going back to work means more time in front of the computer and on arboristsite :)

After the hell day I had getting some major projects into production, reading about all the people making good use of their wood, burning and learning and generally providing a better situation for themselves, their family and others it always makes me smile and makes my day seem a lot better!
