USMC615, mighty generous... and thanks for the kind words.
Any option is under consideration right now... but, as of now, time isn't adding pressure.
Actually, my job is secure, so our logical best option is to find something in the area.
Ummmm... it's kind'a like'a satire thing... a play on the whole Hollywood beer drinkin' redneck crap.
You'd still need to be close enough to hear the man beatin' his wife (he ain't in the can), and it wouldn't matter what sort'a can, ya' wouldn't even need the can. Basically, if you're holdin' the empty can, ya' likely drank the beer... that makes ya' the beer drinkin' redneck... meaning you're close enough to yourself.
Ummmm.... not that I mean ya' beat your wife... just the "we rednecks" thing...
Ummmmm.... Damn....Never mind... I'm just diggin' the hole deeper... I take it back
