The voice of who's morality?? I've never heard Phil claim to speak for anyone except himself.
Everyone has their own particular sense of morality... I'm bettin' you could put 500 people in a room and not a single pair of them would have a 100% identical sense of morality. Heck, I knew a priest once that had no problem using every vulgar word in the list, but he wouldn't take the lord's name in vain if ya' tried beatin' him into it. My mother wouldn't use the F-word to save her life, but she'll call someone a gaddamn azz-hole preek in a heartbeat if ya' pizz her off. Some people spank their kids, others sense of morality won't let 'em... heck, I'll slap mine silly if they disrespect their mother, but I'm a lot more lenient with how they talk to me. Some people think it's a moral sin to even own a handgun, yet one of my gun dealers was a preacher. Some don't drink, some drink a little, others drink more than that. I smoke... The list goes on and on and on and on...
OK, so you don't agree with Phil's sense of morality... so the frig what??
Just because his sense of it differs from yours means cold sour owl squat... it don't make him wrong, and it sure-in-hell don't make you right.
It-is-what-it-is... nothin' more, and nothin' less... drop the (implied) righteousness.