There was no reserve on the item, 1495 was the min bid. I have emailed Doug, who may be lurking this sight now, and he runs this site:
Seems like a nice guy, he said from his notes the only action my GRCS has seen is from 1 TCIA Expo, no field duty.
I just ordered a "bit" of new gear from Sherrill today. Stuff I have been putting off, and some items are things that I need, but could get by with. Productivity should be at an all time high when this small (yeah right, 3k bucks) order comes in. Its a chunk of change and no doubt the partners will fret to some degree with the GRCS being purchased last night, but I figure its the biz I am in and the gear will make an awesome return, always has. I buy gear based on practicality, function and logic, price rarely factors in if it meets the items above.
Cant beat gear, if I am in this for the long haul I need to spend money now to preserve my body later and make more money, for a longer more usful life without my body falling apart on me.
Hence the logic, practicality and function of the mini loader I plan to buy next year.

Sure its expensive, but we can work faster with less people, lkeeping more money in the company while expanding our services and making more money per hour with a minimal increase in overhead. It keeps the profit margins high, which continues/grows the company.
Slight tangent/rant, but my father will be reading this come this weekend, just letting him know I put thought into the purchase today
