Good experience with Echo dealer

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ArboristSite Lurker
Aug 5, 2022
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Northern Kentucky
Fair disclosure: this is about a pro grade trimmer; didn't know where else to post it.

My Echo 3020T trimmer started once after wintering over, ran for a bit, then seemingly ran out or very low on fuel and stopped. When I mixed up some new gas, premium Shell + Red Armor,, and refilled it, it would not start. PERIOD. Followed the manual. Took the plug out. Let it dry a little, wasn't too wet anyway, replaced. Tried again. Checked air filter. Almost brand new looking clean, as it should be.

Anyway, took it to the dealer I bought it from. Fully expected I would get some song and dance about putting ethanol in it, etc. etc.
They were a little puzzled too at first. Looked at it while I was there, finally checked it in for deeper look.

Got it back today. Total bill was about $47, and that included me buying a couple tanks of pre-mixed gas. It had water in the gas tank. Starting to think the gas in my area gets too much condensation.

This compares with Stihl backpack blower, hundred dollar + repair and the dealer, from whom I've bought thousands of dollars worth of stuff, blamed ethanol.

I still have a lot of Stihl stuff (say that three times fast) :D But I'm liking the Echo tools. The 3020 ran great in hard use (trimming prolly 1/3 mile or more of fence posts, and underneath lowest strand of electric fence; not commercial daily use, but pretty intense use once a week. The saws have started like champs, including restarting when hot Now the dealer passed his first test. I do prefer the Stihl chains, but can't have everything.

I hate doing it, but I'm gonna put my 2 cycle stuff on a bottle fed diet. Sure it costs more money, but I'm starting to think I can't trust the local gas for mixing 2 cycle.

I will say I have a Stihl FS 85T, maybe 17 years old. It still runs pretty good now that magneto replaced. Just not sure the new Stihl trimmers have the oomph of the old FS85.
Premium fuel is slightly risky from lower volume places. Glad you got it sorted out. Our local shell started selling 90 e free about a year ago. Haven’t had any issues with it yet.
It is not any saw makers fault, when it comes to water in gasoline these days it is because the ethanol absorbs water from the air surrounding it, Fuel in a saw,trimmer etc is not air tight, the tank vent allows air to enter even when the engine is not running burning fuel. Moisture laden air enters and the ethanol absorbs it, that is why so many carbs fill with a whiteish slimy mess when two stroke equipment is laid up with mix in it. Fuel stored in any container that is not completely air tight will also absorb moisture, thus water in the fuel.
Follow up: when I got home, I tested it out. Started on third pull, ran like a top. The 3920T makes quick work of most weed whacking jobs. I've learned not to get too close to my plastic T-Post garden fencing.

Finding non-ethanol gas where I'm at is difficult. I know one source, about 40 mi. away. And they rate their pure gas at 91 octane, not 93. With top tier premium bumping 4.70 gallon around here, I'm betting a lot of people have started putting 87 in their cars, trusting the cars are smart enough to retard timing. So the premium at the gas station probably is getting a bit stale in between deliveries.
Follow up: when I got home, I tested it out. Started on third pull, ran like a top. The 3920T makes quick work of most weed whacking jobs. I've learned not to get too close to my plastic T-Post garden fencing.

Finding non-ethanol gas where I'm at is difficult. I know one source, about 40 mi. away. And they rate their pure gas at 91 octane, not 93. With top tier premium bumping 4.70 gallon around here, I'm betting a lot of people have started putting 87 in their cars, trusting the cars are smart enough to retard timing. So the premium at the gas station probably is getting a bit stale in between deliveries.
In New Zealand 91 is our lowest octane fuel and I run everything on it, Oleomac Husky and woodsplitter and lawnmowers weed wacker, all with no problems We have 91 95 98 octane The two strokes get Husky fuel mix oil and I find it is excellent I use air tool oil on all the chains and that is fine. nice and sticky.
I either use Tru Fuel 50-1 in gallon cans or Red Armor 50-1 in gallon cans now. Menards sells Tru Fuel 50-1 for 22 bucks a gallon regular price. No hassle and it keeps a long time too. Done with e-gas in saws and trimmers too.
I have to believe there was water in the gas. Dealer found nothing else wrong. It certainly has started easily every time since then, and I use it a lot.

Funny thing, though. I filled a Scag zero turn which I had stored over winter pretty full, may or may not have used Stabil in it. I usually do with 2 cycle, not always with 4 cycle mower gas. I kept expecting to get a few more cuts in, but wound up with it about 3/4 full, and did not drain it. Anyway, that was last fall.

Then the Scag was not easy to access once spring came, it had been blocked in by a grain bin my wife and I built for winter feedings of cattle; long story. I'd been using a tractor with an old Caroni finish mower. But we disassembled the grain bin last Sunday, got the Scag out, and it started on first crank, ran like a champ. First start since at least October. My old Stihl FS 85 ran on the same gas mix that had the Echo out of action. It did not start or run very well, died a few times. But it ran. Maybe Echos are a little more sensitive to bad gas, or maybe I just got unlucky one time at Shell.

I bought acouple bottles of Red Armor premixed, may go that route for trimmers and chain saws.
Funny thing is, the Tru Fuel 50-1 and the Red Armor 50-1 if you pour them out in something you can see through like a fuel proof plastic glass, they both look and smell the same. That leads me to believe they are the same.

I will say my ancient Stihl 028AV that I bought new over 40 years ago runs much better on the synthetic fuel than pre mixed (Stihl oil and e-gas). It was getting tempermental about idling. Not any more. Idles fine now. Got it in my 075 and 090 as well as the MS and the Echo and the Stihl Fs66 brush cutter (ancient as well), but then I'm ancient too.

I use e-gas in the zero turns and pressure washer but I do pre treat the fuel with blue marine Stabil always.

So far, no phase shift issues.

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