"Atrimec is a systemic plant growth regulator which works by blocking the plant hormones that stimulate growth. Applied as a foliar spray, it is absorbed by the leaves and translocated to the shoot tips where it interrupts apical dominance and temporarily stops shoot elongation. Spraying shrubs, bushes, trees and groundcovers not only reduces trimming and pruning labor by 50% but it also improves the appearance of landscape ornamentals. It promotes lateral branching giving plants a mor dense, fuller look. Hedge and shrubs that show irregular shapes including damage from pests and weather, can fill in lushly, even on the old wood, particularly if treated under optimum growing conditions."
I have used it on...of all plants...Purple-Leaf Wintercreeper, Euonymous fortunei 'Colorata'. After trimming the 1g plants, giving them a shearing, I applied Atrimec. Man those were the fullest, most compact, great looking little garbage plants that I have ever seen. It really filled them out and kept them from stretching.