Stihl User
18th is the date, be there or be square.
Got in late on this, could someone put in a a post with when and where? Close to East Tenn?....Lanny
Hey Guys,
That date will work for me as far as I know right now. In an early post I said I could bring some logs. Someone that knows what we need let me know, the pile is shrinking, I just need to know what kind and how many. If need be I'll hit the woods and find some. Still have some big oaks but I don't know what ya'll want. 12' is about all my old truck will handle.
Also bringing my son and trying to talk a few more into coming along. Looking forward to it.
Just in case anybody needs it here is a link to the map just use the bar on the left to zoom in or out.
If you are coming on 220 from points north or south, it's the Vision Drive exit. Follow it to the first light (Bus 220) and take a left. Amick's is one block north of Vision Drive.
Come E up the hill off the interstate, turn left at the light, look for the OPE shop on the left.
Calvin, I use to drive a truck for a while and that is the best route even with the towns and stoplights, I always hated coming to you part of the woods, nothing against your town but I hated the ride back.which way should i go i told my mom im taking and going out of town that day
it says it is a 4 .5 hrs trip for me but the way i drive is there a better route than going thru all them towns with stop lights and such ?
or should i just meet someone somewhere and follow them