Yup, good to meet everyone!
JT: You can use the tach anytime, I'll mail it if ya need it again. That 395 is a beast for sure! The "three fiddy nine" cut well also but man that 395 was screaming.

The 7900 impressed me, not too far at all from the ported 460 and 395. You might want to think about porting saws on the side.
Wanabe: that 346 was quick again but man that 361 was rolling! That thing was turning some crazy rpms, Ed did a great job on that bad boy.
Calvin: Nice to meet ya, I think you had enough parts in your van to build a saw and mower! Good to hear you got some orders, that phone was ringing all day.

Anytime on the cakes, we will have to cook some burgers next time.
Joe and son: I think you and your boy have got a pretty bad case of CAD! I liked all your saws, the 084 was a big 'un!, time for that 84" bar.:hmm3grin2orange: The 394 ran good considering the $$$ in it. That 029S was the quickest one I've run yet. Let us know when ya'll pull that 359 apart and give her a new meaning.:chainsawguy:
Steve: You got to let us know the secret on how to keep a saw so clean.

Nice stable of clean saws! That 5100 ran great for only a tank of fuel through it. Give me a shout when you want that 361 muffler done.
Guys bear with me on the pics, my allergies kicked my butt today and I stihl feel terrible.

Thanks Tony for letting us use the shop for the meeting area, we got all the cookies up but didn't know what to do with the chips. I'll have to bring a few bags next time. I was hoping to get a few things but ya'll were swamped, I'll have to visit again.