Gypo goes East

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Rotax Robert

Addicted to ArboristSite
Jun 20, 2001
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Enumclaw Washington
I just heard that Gypo was heading East, back into our fine country again. Well I think that we have laws against these canuckians invading the good ole U.S. of A. more than once a year. Anyway I got a few of the guys to send something to Gypo that he aint soon to forget. He will NOT stand a chance in any race he enters while over there. So stay tuned
Just got a call from Gypo !!! in Central Park ???

Get this, Gypo Gets Lost....again....He left Toronto this morning heading for Newhampshire for a hotsaw showdown. Doug gives Gypo super detailed instructions on how to get there mile post by mile post. (instructions even Gypo could follow).

While driving through Schenectady NY. he stops for some Roy Rogers chicken after a long days drive. After eating dinner on the road he works at getting a piece chicken from between the only two teeth he has. After several attempts at dislodging this rather large piece of bird he reaches over and tears a page out of a tablet and folds it to act as a toothpick and proceeds to dislodge the carcuss, spitting both it and toothpick out the window.

Anyway, I receive this call from Gypos cell phone and he is telling me that he is lost and camped out in Central Park, NewYork and that Doug gave him boguss directions and was wondering if maybe they were meant for mryb or something. Anyway I pull out my atlas and have him start reading off the directions Doug gave him. The first few pages were right on the money. Last entry on page 3 said take Schenectady exit. The next entry says on page 5, turn South etc. etc. Thats when I stopped him and ask where the heck is page 4...You guessed it, page 4 was the
home-made toothpick. ( I'm telling you, it could be raining poosy and this guy would get hit in the head with a ****)

So Gypo is camped out in Central Park sleeping under a Stihl 088 cardboard box, Husky repair manual for a pillow and a little 2171 idling to keep him warm. Last I heard as his phone went dead was that he was heading north in the morning.
I saw him in the village

Last night a saw a man walking down Christopher Street with a Husky Manual shoved down the back of his pants."he looked lost and his hair was out of place" I also took notice he was setting up his box in front of Big Boys Latex shop.

I wanted to talk with this man but I feared getting bumped from behind, so I headed to first street for Two Boots Pizza.
He is really messed up then because I saw him in da U.P. filling his face with pasties and trying to find the "Mystery Spot". He had enough pamphlets with him to weave a blanket out of them
Has Gypo made it to NH yet? Well....yes and no.....

Robert and I are certainly here, but who's that little guy in the middle.
It's all his tactics Doug, all tactics. He is obviously trying to win tomorrow at all costs with his 39.95hp 088KD. Just make sure that you're ready to put his plans to a quick halt with the 3120KD:D lol, you need to open the JD bottle dont you? at least Robert is drinking (I guess he will have the fastest cut anyway...:p )
Otto, you got that as well....I was going to say that if Doug wanted some of that liquid gold...he was going to have to crack the cap.....looks like you boys are getting it going!! Outstanding!! Have fun all need practice for next years Clearwater!!
Safety First!

We've been up at the lake doing some prep work for our timed cuts tomorrow by sawing down some trees. As always, safety is our first concern as demonstrated here by Gypo. Notice that there's no possible way for the saw to get away from him by holding it the proper way.

Normally, one would never think of making the falling back cut before the notch is completed. Here we can see that when two experienced saw men team up, both notch and back cuts can be made safely at the same time.
Be relaxed but vigilant

Gyro once posted that he had gone into the bush and got into some trouble because he was over-tired from lack of sleep and was tense because he had his mind on other things. John has now adopted a much more relaxed mindset when he's using his chainsaws and it has paid big dividends with respect toward safety.

Robert and John don't just cut down trees and leave them laying all over the place, they actually clean up after themselves. Here, John drives and Robert runs the implements.
Just say "NO" to drinking and driving

John and Robert wanted to take out the boats by themselves but I insisted that if they wanted to do that that they had to go together, share the driving and no fooling around.
Gypo takes over

John was concerned that Robert was in no condition to drive and appointed himself designated driver.
Saws almost ready to go

We'll be sawing up a storm tomorrow, both at a local country fair saw competition and up at the lake amongst ourselves. Here are a few of the saws that we'll be using.
GBBAR Orange Bar

I think the Orange ones are for harvester machines bwalker.

If you need only one or two bars of the GBBAR variety you should ask Jeff or myself.

They discount them after you buy 10 or more.


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