they should have one of there parades here right now , the bugs are unbelievable and need to be feed and with where over bending wrist it could be fun to watch
Yes Sir! It's almost been a year since this thread has been started, with many members come and gone, some banned, others just too pu$$ylike to make a post or contribute. Mainly Tommy Fales who won't help us in our endevours to learn how to make a respectable race chain. What a limp wristed putz he turned out to be! LOL
Anyway, I must pick up the torch and help you nerds learn how to make chain. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.
Tommy gave your personal instructions one on one.You were to busy looking at Gina.When you start building chain that doesn't cut like a banana then you can start giving lessons. I have to laugh at the guy who stole that banana peeler from Cahoons garage.
If you look at my signature I am giving 10 copies away as I speak act now.
Gypo, some good advice on removing the "burr" at the start of the thread. I am having that problem with a high carbon steel knife blade, that thin burr cuts very nice for about two seconds and then folds over. I will have to try stoning a second bevel to remove the burr and increase useful sharpness life. Did I get that right?