Hack and Slash Saw Mods!

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Dennis Cahoon said:
I can build anything I need for your information, work saws, race saws or any kind race or work chain.

yea, but next time send it to me to run instead of gypo if you want it to come in first place. HA HA HA HA HA HA:laugh:
Dennis, you and Gyppos denials and protestations are more of an admission that I am rubbing a sore spot by pointing out the dangers of mucking around in your saw with a jacknife. You know full well that a good chain is the best and safest modification the average person needs to cut faster. Why dont you seriously try to help them?
It seems to me that you guys doing the whining and snivelling for having your agenda exposed, which has been to harrass EHP. Pretty obvious.
I would tell someone to get a junk saw to practice whittling on. Dont you remember when you started welding you ran beads on some scrap metal; at least I hope you didn't try it on a workable item for the first try. Guess it depends on who your instructor was!
So you like my picture, eh, Dennis? I might have on milking boots and welding gloves but at least I got a chainsaw hat. If you got a cowboy hat on you must be a cowboy!

Caveat Emptor!
I am not trying to talk anyone into DOING anything. I prefer to do things on the basis of understanding why. Seen far too much grief from merely taking someone elses advice even if they had good intentions. If you do decide to try it, take a little bit at a time, dont go whole hawg!. When you start to see no more gains you can quit knowing at least that you didn't go FAR wrong.

Crofter said:
I guess everyone has a different learning style but it usually reduces the trial and error if you have a bit of theory. That means reading. If you do want to experiment work on a low value saw that would be no calamity if you scrapped it ( it could and has happened). It is hard to have the discipline to properly control your experiments. Do you always do before times with a bar and chain on wood of a type and size you can duplicate afterwards to know whether you made more power or more noise? Make only one change at a time. Document, not trust to memory what you did.
Some people are empowered by trying things themselves and are rewarded by the game; go for it. Dont have any illusions that it is a matter of luck to make a winner. Know too that some things taken to the limits start to have tradeoffs. If you want fairly certain results and return for your time and money I think it is better to trust a saw to someone you are pretty sure is not working on the trial and error method

Be cautious of advice; memory is strange stuff and some people seem to have the power of remembering things that never happened. A few people have been banned and turfed off the site numerous times for outright malicious posting and general bullying of other members. It is amazing to see them pretend to be so hurt by someone later questioning their motives for suddenly kissing up and trying to appear the pillar of society........ They seem to think that credibility and accountability is something they can turn off and on at will.
Hey Crofter, you old fart. Just because you find everything so complicated and intimidating doesn't mean everyone else does.
There you go again, playing the boy scout master.
Maybe if you keep chirping some cull may actually believe you.
Frank, if you had the captive audience that you wish you had, you'd be dangerous.
This has nothing to do with Ed, it has to do with the freeflow of information about chainsaws which you obviously think you need a degree for.
Just because you screwed up a bunch of saws must have meant you were lacking the proper info.
After all is said and done we might have a few great saw builders emerge as a result of other peoples knowledge. Information doesn't just belong to you, so sit back, STFU and listen.
John I am listening. The suggestion that I find everthing intimidating and complicated is telling about your approach. (Thinking hey this is simple, nothing too it, I can always fill it back up with J&B WELD, or ah he!! it wasn't my saw anyway.)
Speaking of having an audience, John, you always seem pretty aware of where the camera is! atta boy John!
I agree about the purpose of the site; to share good information about chainsaws and saw related work. Why dont you get a discussion going about modification do's and don'ts. Get a bit of theory in there and really give a balanced approach.
Had this project of yours happened before you and a few others had the big falling out and rearranged your loyalties, it would have a bit different appearance.
Any way John I think that some people will learn things from this, about saw modifications. For some it will be positive and they will go on. Some will learn that it may not be for them and that is good too. How about you John. What are your ambitions?
Frank, STFU. If only 'experts' were allowed to offer any advice on this site, no one would be able to post anything. Gypo never tried to present himself as any sort of expert or authority on saw mods, he was pretty much just documenting and photographing his own experimentation using info he's gained from other saw builders.

I find it very similar to how I documented my experimentation with and transition to advanced climbing hitches a few years ago. I did it very openly so others could learn along with me. So again, STFU and siddown so some of us can enjoy Gypo's early attempts to modify a saw.
He skwerl, you can do whatever you want. I am not cluttering up his thread with static. I am just giving a few disclaimers over here. Let people find and choose their own balance. I could be as wise as you and say STFU but that would not be very original. When I started this thread I had in mind anyone who was promoting or doing half baked modifications on things. I see you jump all over people who want to start climbing without a pretty good grounding. Course it is life at stake not just a saw so it is a lot more serious.
He skwerl, you can do whatever you want. I am not cluttering up his thread with static. I am just giving a few disclaimers over here. Let people find and choose their own balance.

"I come not to bury Ceasar, but to praise him"
Bottom line is we are responsible for our own actions relative to these saws..
be it from a hobbiest stand point or pro.

Some of this is good reading....but if we decide to start digg'in around in the saws and screw up..its our own damn fault.

Its anologous to over clocking a computer or investing in the stock market..
if you can't afford the loss if it doesn't work out...DON'T MESS WITH IT!

Actually its the same with the pro saw builders. I don't care how "scientific" an approach or "engineered" the plan its still adds variables to the reliability equation..and the risk of loosing your investment goes up. Can't afford to loose your saw?
Leave it stock.

So I for one would rather see people report on their messing around. Its spurs good conversation.

Have a few saws to jerk around with? Why not dabble in some back yard tuning. It can be fun. One thing I know for certain..its certainly not rocket science.

(PS. The CNC thing was danced around...its a lot easier getting more complex shapes cut in a repeatable way with and CNC machine than twisting handles on a Bridgeport! A few G02's & 3 pitched at control either from a postprocessed CLDATA file or MDI makes a better arc that the best set of hands!)
Crofter said:
He skwerl, you can do whatever you want. I am not cluttering up his thread with static. I am just giving a few disclaimers over here. Let people find and choose their own balance. I could be as wise as you and say STFU but that would not be very original. When I started this thread I had in mind anyone who was promoting or doing half baked modifications on things. I see you jump all over people who want to start climbing without a pretty good grounding. Course it is life at stake not just a saw so it is a lot more serious.
You're full of it Frank.
Your intension was to spread dissention by erroneously trying to imply that anyone offering their saw building experience was going against Ed.
Now STFU and listen. Ed offers the best woodsaw on this site as far as I am concerned, so me offering to encourage others to get to know their saws isn't cramping Ed's style. Just like you telling others how to build a chain wasn't cramping Tommy Fales style anymore than me buying a Husky cramps Stihl's style.
Regardless, you gotta love these spirited conversations we have.:blob2:
Weimdog; I like that! messing around with saws and talking about it, spurs good discussion etc. Ideas get thrown around and if something wild is suggested it gets jumped on and wrestled with till some kind of a concensus comes up on it. People get to see the ideas explored and gain an understanding of all the different things involved. Good to discuss where the danger boundaries are too and the consequences. I'm all for it.
Hey John if the timing wasn't so coincidental with your big shakeup and if you had been so helpfull in the past, your intentions might not be getting the scrutiny they are. Remember in the past when you were giving all kinds of insults to every treeclimber. Trying to disrupt all their threads. Now you are crying like a stuck pig when someone gives you a bit of static and questions your motives. It is going to take a while to get used to the new you, father john, lol!
Hey John, where are you. I was just re reading your last post. "help others get to know their saws" . Now isnt that sweet. I see on your thread on modifications a few people are helping out with typos and some slips of the tongue that might have caused some problems if your students were right up with you move for move. That is a bit of a problem when you don't really know what is going on isn't it? You say that ED makes a good woodsaw but then why have you been referring to him as Head Turd instead of ED Heard?
This isn't playing out quite as you had envisioned is it Gypo? Now you got to try to make me the villain. Maybe we should just drop the BS, enough people get the idea anyway.
Crofter said:
You mean this guy! Meanhusqvarna? http://www.arboristsite.com/showthread.php?t=13462

Sure, tell him the guys will know a bit more about alcohol saws next year. Ask him if he remembers they stop the clock here when the saw gets back on the ground.

Hey Frankie, your on here telling everyone whats going on. I dont think you know whats going on yourself I dont know this guy Gypo, but why are you giving him a hard time when you dont know anything yourself. Your saws run like puke. Here you are running around with your hand over fast Eddie's @ss like he's your 18 year old daughter. I think if I was you I would read Gypo's post real clearly because anything would be an upgrade from what you had. Just thought I would let the people on AS know what and who you are. I read this site every night, but only reply to something stupid like what your posting. Have a nice day and do not reply because I will not answer. :dizzy:

I think that is one of thum thar biting retorts! That thread where he runs around frothing at the mouth wanting to get at ED is kind of funny,

I guess maybe I shouldn't be so hard on Gypo, I know he has bragged about how he has mopped the floor with so many people and all, but maybe he has changed.I suppose those people that he no longer likes, weren't really friends either but just acquaintances. Fook em all he says, they just want to hold you back from doing your thing.
Hey Frankie, your on here telling everyone whats going on. I dont think you know whats going on yourself I dont know this guy Gypo, but why are you giving him a hard time when you dont know anything yourself. Your saws run like puke. Here you are running around with your hand over fast Eddie's @ss like he's your 18 year old daughter. I think if I was you I would read Gypo's post real clearly because anything would be an upgrade from what you had. Just thought I would let the people on AS know what and who you are. I read this site every night, but only reply to something stupid like what your posting. Have a nice day and do not reply because I will not answer. :dizzy:


Hahaha :blob4:
Franky, It doesn't look like anybody likes you except Spacecull, but we already knew that.

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