Hack Daddies

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hack Daddies

Originally posted by Kneejerk Bombas
It sounds like Brian's not the only one with some issues that need to be worked out.
We all got em, mm, "kb". My worst one is to be lied to by a tree-killing scumbag. who slinks away when the lie is found out.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hack Daddies

Originally posted by Kneejerk Bombas
It sounds like Brian's not the only one with some issues that need to be worked out.

Amen brother Maas
Re: Re: Hack Daddies

Originally posted by Guy Meilleur
If you flame :angry: a little less, all your bridges won't be burnt behind you.

That reminds me that life is NOT like a box of chocolates, it is like a jar of jalapenos..............what you do today can burn your ass tommorrow.;)
You in the tree service part of the industry aren't the only ones who have to deal with companies of lesser standards. If you think working in trees is bad, try landscaping! EVERYONE who knows what a petunia is or who has ever cut grass for their nieghbor is a landscaper, just ask them!

Red mulch looks good! (Yeah, right) Lollipopped shrubs are natural. (Once again, yeah, right) It's common sense that grass can't grow with ANY rocks in the soil.... Why isn't my grass as green and full as my neighbors who had thier's planted the same day? (even though it's been explained several times that theirs was a different mix [100% rye] that germinates faster than yours [80/20 bluegrass/rye] and will last longer. Not to mention that theirs was watered every night and hit with a high N fertilizer! Aarrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhh!!!!!)

These are just a SMALL sampling of the things I have heard in the last few years.... I'm sure you all have heard your share too.... There IS a difference between landscaping and gardening. DON'T call me a gardener, unless I'm picking d*mn tomatoes from my garden (which I don't currently have)!

There's a guy here in the county who advertises that he is "fast, cheap and reliable". The cheap part is what gets me. His attitude matches it, according to him (this is a direct quote), "I don't care as long as I get my money".....

I think I can say that I probably have to put up with more fly-by-night people in the landscaping end than you do, especially since both feet can be kept firmly on the ground (or at least within 2-3 feet of it :D) 99.9% of the time.

Oh, and the worst is when you have someone who has been "gardening" for herself for 30 years (no other education other than self taught and advice from friends) who constantly disgagrees with you and your bosses over things, arguing common sense instead of science. Even though the 3 of you have over 30 years combined experience and 14 years of college education!

It's easier to educate someone on trees. Most are unknowing when it comes to them. You can explain why topping is bad, you can explain why removing limbs over the house makes no sense, etc, etc. But if they know what a petunia is, and you want to plant a shrub or two, watch out, you're in for a ride!

The basic problem with hacks, is they don't know that they are hacks.
We all know there are hacks who post here. Do they know they are hacks? No way.
Is there any one here who doesn't think they are the best, or one of the best? I'd be surprized if there is.
Then there are different levels of hackiness. There are complete hacks, slight hacks, and everything in between.
This begs the question, what makes a hack a hack?
If you don't follow basic asni shalls, or know what ansi even is, does that make you a hack?
How about simple little things like sanitizing tools between jobs? If you don't even carry disinfectant, are you a hack?
So many questions, so few answers.
Dan F., well I agreed with you on the sprinkers thing but not the landscaping:D
Around here landscaping work is so easy to get I really can't understand it. I advertise a little more for Lawn and Landscape than Trees because there are sooo many tree hacks and even professional companies here it's hard to get tree jobs(except now w/the storm damage!)
Why these dumasses would want to do tree work on the weekends for beer money instead of weeding or mulching for the same money is beyond me:confused:
There are literally thousands of landscape co's here but I think most are stuck in the mowing mode, good for them!
I have a lot less problems with customers that know a little about plants than their trees that really need professional pruning instead of hacking they'll just hire anyone to do?
I for one have to admit that I am not one of the best tree trimmers in the business. I am constantly learning and trying to learn more. Remember this, todays hack may be tomorrows expert in the field.

Then again todays hack may still be a hack twenty years from now too.

Jus t got a biz card that was put on my gate fence at home today, the guy's biz name is ... Al's Tree and Yardwork.
It's says he's a certified arborist and he is insured but leaves no certification # or insurance info.
Another hacker in disguise.
Originally posted by Kneejerk Bombas

Is there any one here who doesn't think they are the best, or one of the best? I'd be surprized if there is.

Mike, all I've ever claimed is to be above average, and allways trying to learn more.

I don't think the majority of us make any other claim.

IMO those that are the best in one thing lack in others. There are very few that truely shine in all aspects, those that do are humbel enough to point out areas that they don't.
Mike,So is your claim of being the best your way of coming out of the basement?;)

Seriously, average is lousy and being better than that is honorable even if it doesn't guarantee greatness. Am I the best? Statewide -maybe not. Nationally-not much chance. World wide-I'm not delusional. Best in my area? Yeah, I try to be that and it is gratifying when strangers tell me they've heard I'm the best. The rep isn't for "best at difficult removals" or "best climber"(No way-I'm lousy) best on fruit trees, shrubs and general tree knowledge is plenty gratifying-it might not even be true but I try to live up to it.:eek: